Chapter 25: A Cleaning Hint

Start from the beginning

As Azul checks the safe, Briar, Sereia, and Trinket slowly sneak away from Azul and round up the others to sneak away as well.

Azul then sighs in relief, "Phew. Okay, good."

Then glares at Floyd, "How many times have I told you not to use your signature spell so carelessly?! What will it take to get it through your head?!"

"I said I was sorry, okay? You don't gotta get all bent outta shape over one little ding," Floyd says, with a frown.

"You'd have me save my protestations for when it's completely demolished, then?!" Azul yells

Flashback: In front of Ramshackle Dorm

And Tsunotarou notices, "You look like you take issue with my statement. You don't like me speaking as though your loss is a given?"

He thinks for a minute and says, "Incidentally, the walls of this dorm have some rather impressive gargoyle sculptures."

"Gargoyles?" Briar says, confused.

Tsunotarou explains, "At first glance, these gargoyles appear to be imposing, dangerous monsters... But in reality, they are a kind of drainage spout built to keep rainwater from sullying the walls. They look frightful, and yet they are beings devoted to the preservation of their home."

"So what you're saying is that, there's a stark contrast between what they do and how they look? And they're surprisingly nice guys as well?" Briar asks.

"Sometimes, what you see with your eyes is the complete opposite of the truth. And...I, too, would prefer to avoid this place becoming rowdy every night. Continue fighting to protect your dorm," Tsunotarou says.

Flashback Ends:

Then Briar cries out, "THAT'S IT!"

That catches everyone by surprise.

Grim yelps, "Whoa! What's gotten into you, Briar?

Even Leona frowns and says, "Oi. Bring the volume down a notch."

"Sorry about that, but those contracts Azul has are not as indestructible as Azul made it sounds. They're in the vault because they're NOT unbreakable!" Briar says.

"What? What are you talking about?

"Huh?" Ruggie says, confused.

Then Briar explains, "I thought it was strange as to why Azul keeps them in the vault, even though he claims they are unbreakable and how he reacted when Floyd damages it."

"Duh? They're valuable. Of course he wouldn't want anyone stealin' em," Grim says.

"Maybe he did that because they're valuable, or maybe we might find out if they really were unbreakable," Briar says.

Suddenly, Leona begins laughing, "Hah... Ha ha ha! Of course! I get it now. That's an intriguing line of thinking.

"Huh? What'd I miss?" Grim asks.

Then Leona says, "Here, I'll explain..."

Leona then explains more about what Briar is speaking of, soo, everyone understands.

"Ohhh, I getcha! NOW it makes sense!" Grim says.

"It really does make sense," Tanzanite says.

Then Grim says, "Now that we've got a weak point to exploit, let's bust into Octavinelle right now!"

However, Ruggie says, "There's just one problem with that"

"Myah?" Grim questions.

Then Ruggie says, "If Briar's read is right, then the Leech brothers are sure to show up and interfere. Honestly, they're a bigger hurdle to you guys than the vault itself."

"You're right. The Leech Brothers were able to stop us from getting the photo from the museum," Jasper says.

Sereia worriedly says, "And even if we managed to sneak into the VIP room again, Azul, Jade, and Floyd would attack us if they found us trying to open the vault.

Grim realizes it himself and says in frustration, "For cryin' out loud... We're so close, I can almost taste it!"

"If only there's a way to deal with the Leech Brothers," Tanzanite says.

"Hmm..." Briar thinks.

Then an idea hits her, "I think I have an idea. The way I see it, the Leech brothers are our real problem besides the vault in the VIP room, if only we have a little extra help.

However, Leona says, "Hey. I've got a good idea of where you're going with this, so I'll get this outta the way now... I'm not helping. No way, no how. The last thing I need is to get dragged into someone else's mess. Especially when that cephalo-punk is involved."

"Same goes for me. Don't even ask," Ruggie says.

Grim huffs, "Hmph. You guys are real fair weather friends, y'know that?"

"Okay if that's how you like it, let;s see if you don't mind if we have a little fun," Briar says.

"Fun?" Leona and Ruggie say, confused.

Then Briar smirks and turns to the others, "Alright guys, I say we have a little fun with Leona and Ruggie."

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