Chapter XXIV

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I had been waiting for this moment for years.

Not only reuniting with them, but for Kol to meet his three children for the first time. That she humanized him, but I gave him always and forever in the form of three little younglings. But being able to remember the real reason I became a rumor justifies always and forever even further. I couldn't live in a world where Kol didn't remember our love. If he couldn't remember me, then no one should be able to remember me. But I did leave some crumbs of my identity.

Without hesitating, I bolted from the car and zipped to the gates. Lux was standing there waiting for me. Egging me on as I became a human torch. "Non hai un bell'aspetto, Principessa."

"E il tuo regno di controllo è finito."

"Dovrebbe spaventarmi o ferimi?" laughed Lux as he cracked a smile. A storm swirled up above as the trees howled in the wind.

"Se la scarpa ti sta bene, indossala. Ho finito di giocare. Consegnali!"

"So, this is about them? Why would I return them to you knowing my life means nothing to you once you have them back? Do you think I'm a fool, Maddelena?"

"Come here and find out. Release them and I won't put the Mikaelsons on you."

"Why have you been hiding them from us? Why are they so important to you?"

By now everyone had surrounded me and waited for me to signal the battle to begin. "How is Renwick?"

"How is Ash...oh wait - we killed him. I should call Posie to cut ties with Clementine. How much blood do you want on your hands?"

"I was born in blood and shadows. I died in blood and shadows. Your threats don't rattle my cage. Why don't you run to Kai Parker and tell him to face me like a man?"

His face turned sour. Darkened expression. So I do have an ace up my sleeves. He's been blindly doing the bidding for a Heretic. The Psychopathic Kai Parker.

"I think you're mistaken, Princess."

The only time someone referred to me as princess was when Kol and I lived in Venice. Lux would have had to have been a young vampire then. "You know what I'd love to pick your mind about? Sire lines. Whose sire line are you? Rebekah's? Or mine? We could test it out. A trial and error."

"What is to say that I am not Niklaus' sire line? His sire line was severed, remember?"

Kol had it up to his wits with the cockiness of Lux. He had a stake in his hands with vervain and tossed at his heart. "Gotta be quicker than that."

"I've dealt with scoundrels like yourself and I have to say, I am not impressed."

Lux knew he was cornered like a pathetic little dog. "What's wrong, Lux? Cat got your tongue." I siphoned magic from the trees and I took it all out on Lux. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you." I roar as I break his arm in three different spots.

"If you kill me, you'll never be able to get to your children. I'm the only one that knows where the owner of the house is." screamed Lux as he held his arm. The trees whipped me back. I struggled back to where I was. I had it with his games. I wanted them back no matter the cost.

With every ounce of magic, I sent it surging into him as he screamed in agony. "Pietà di me. Pietà di me. Pietà di me!" Kol took the last wooden pole and snapped it on his knees and threw it Lux; puncturing his chest and killing him. "Non si fermerà..."

I ran towards the house until it shot me backwards into the trees. The storm howled to warn me to stop. I attempted to cross the threshold three more times. All being futile. "This can't be it. This cannot be how close I can get. They're still humans!" I dropped to my knees as the storm reigned over me. Sully goes to comfort me, but Niklaus stops him. "This is between them. Do not tarnish it." Allowing Kol to run to me. I kick and scream and wail my arms around in pain. My fists connected with his chest over and over again until we melted as one. "Luna, River, and Jasper...fight to get free!" I screeched in the wind. Other vampires came to defend the building. "What do you want to do, Mads?"

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