Chapter XXII

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"The time is now. She's becoming restless."

Bonnie and Enzo enter the medical apothecary room and glance over at me. "I will help."

Waverly stands over me and shakes her head. "No. Your idea of help and my idea of help are two completely different."

"Waverly, we're gonna get Clementine back. Posie stands no chance against us. But we must stand together as one."

"Bennett Witches haven't been kind to Gemini Witches."

"I didn't have to bring back the Other Side."

"You refused to help until it benefited you. Those memories held magic like no other. That's what makes us different. Moments of magic woven into memories. Reliving those memories started killing her."

"And you were trying to oust her from her position in the Coven."

"Well that was before we knew the whole story. Before the Mikaelsons linked their lives to the younglings to save them. Marcellus has his vampires tracking down Posie to find Clem. No memory dive needed. Freya and Beks have friends to ensure the safety of the witches who went to deal with the factions and the witch doctor. The travelers are out for blood."

"And they aren't exactly my friend either, Waverly."

"Then help us get her out of this coma. You know what happens when too much magic courses through your veins like stardust."

Lizzie and Josie say, "Use us. We're siphoning twins." Amadeus and Gen come to see the progress to get me out of the coma. "Use us too. We're siphoning witches. A merging of magic to save the original twin."

Everyone stood in a circle around me as the Gemini Witches chanted a spell. The blood burst into flames as the incantation continued.

"Ignis et sanguis. Virtus et fortitudo. Pax et concordia. Sanguis leonis, sanguis veneficae, sanguis venatoris. Aer, ignis, aqua et terra. Invoco maiores et Hecaten magam lapsam referat. Vires et bonam. Valetudinem dare."

They waited by my bedside. The sound of Waverly arguing with Bonnie was a faint whisper. Kol held my hand as he waited for me to wake up. Davina brought him some food and a glass of blood; but he refused to eat. Esther taught the younglings spells as well as got to know her granddaughter, Hope. Klaus pleaded with the gods for me to wake up. I need my person. I already lost Cami and Haley. I can't lose her too.

It had been a few days since they first attempted to pull me out of a magically induced coma. Nothing seemed to work. Sterling and Dria were hot on heels of Alisa's Coven. Lux has her too. Palmer and Prescott headed to Georgia without Finn & Esther.

We found a few grimoires, Esther.

What color are the gemstones embedded into it? Gemini Witches love a good detail in their spell books. Prescott? I don't have all day.

Moonstone. Opal. Emeralds. Obsidian. The mark of Gemini on the spine. Your handwriting is in this book, Esther.

You found that one? Celeste and I wrote about rare spices and spells in that one. The Merge is discussed briefly. Keep it safe.

We will keep looking. How is she?

Palmer, she has yet to awaken from her slumber. Don't worry, she'll be up by the time you return.

Keep us posted.

Bram, Nico, and Dorian had found six younglings and three siphoners in Huntsville. The postcard they had sent had a name attached: Valerius Allistair Whittmore-DeBeauchamp. Our little 'J Squad' had found rare spices at the Seattle Apothecary. Waverly had gone with Lulu to Seattle to collect debts owed to me. Everyone was willing to go to extreme lengths for me.

Davina checked in on Hope and the other young witches. "We're going to get your cousins back, Hope."

"This whole time I haven't asked how you're holding up. The idea of family has been my internal drive, Aunt Davina."

"He will always love her. Maybe there's something more, but Mads is a woman of honor. Though Kol and her not being together is possibly killing her. Blood Unions dipped in Gemini Magic are tricky. He still loves me. Everyone's lives have flipped upside down and a lot has happened in a short time. He's a father. A role I'm excited for him to experience."

"He still loves you. Never stops gloating about you. Kind of annoying if you ask me." jokes Hope.

Down the hall, there's a scream from the medical room. Kol's hand trembled as he searched for a pen and paper. "Where the hell is the stationary here?"

Davina creeps in, "Darling, what happened?" He starts moving his hand as he continues his search for something to write with. Erratic behavior. "She started moving her hand like she was trying to write something."

"Let her use her finger against your hand." suggested Davina. Lizzie stood at the door wishing me back to the land of the living.

"No." quivered Kol as he broke down.

Hope hands him some stationary and puts the pen in my hand.

Stjernestøv og blod kaller på en forening av magi som ble lovet for mange måneder siden.

"What does that mean?"

Without thinking Lizzie looks at Kol and says, "You have to kiss her. It's like the cliche of every spell ever, but it may be as simple as that. The first part of the Norwegian sentence is, ''Stardust and blood."

"I can't."

Davina says, "Time is of the essence Kol." He pressed his lips against mine and electricity surged through me. Every cell in my body felt alive as the magic danced in my veins. Visions and images painted my mind. I squeezed his hand once more before I nearly took him out. Cheeks are hot and rosy.

"I'm done with this wild goose chase. We're headed to Seattle."

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