Chapter I

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 "Ah!!!!!" I screamed as I came to a realization.

I crawl on the ground as I wince in pain from my wounds. The whips the branches gave me felt like I was running through a sandstorm; as if tiny little daggers were thrown at me. Head held high as I glanced around. No familiar faces. No one made it out. It was all for nothing. I push myself up and look at everyone. Sully couldn't look me in the eyes. We have a bigger conversation ahead of us. None that we want to be a part of. Phoenix hung in the treeline as he realized it was all for nothing. Waverly and Poppy held each other as they stared up at me. Lulu kicked the dirt before hurdling a rock at the tree behind me. I duck, but it nics the side of my head. Bram sat on the wooden stool; shoulders slumped. We are defeated. It didn't work. My children are lost forever.

"It didn't work." as I sobbed to Bonnie and Freya as they brushed my hair to comfort me. Hope cocks her head slightly as she looks at us with eyes full of wonder. I shake my head, "I'm so, so sorry Hope. I tried. I really tried. To bring her back. Hell, to bring them back. I-I-I- I tried to get them to come back. I've lost everything." At this moment, I wasn't feared. I wasn't this malicious sharp witted monster. At this moment, I was ordinarily human. Nothing monstrous about me. My legs give out as I collapse backwards into a pile of leaves.

A twig breaks behind us as we all look over.

"I'm hurt. Do I not count?" He starts as he ducks under a pole. "Well, I suppose not. You know, because Whittmore's are only good for creating monsters and leaving all else up to chance. Now love, pick yourself up off of the ground and relish in your victory." smiles Enzo as he offers his hand to me. I pull up and stand to face him. Continuing with, "You did what no one else could do. You, Maddelena, created The Otherside and brought me; and my devilish good looks back from the dead. I mean, I died horrendously at the hands of Stefan Salvatore, but that's another story. So my dear, you didn't lose everything."

I go to swing at Enzo, when Niklaus worms his way into my line of sight. He throws his arms up with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

"Niklaus? You're... you made ... you made it out?" Shock rolled over my face.

"Oh, I'd say in the nic of time." grumbled Klaus as his eyes devoured me like the monster he is.

Elijah steps before us and extends his arms over his brother's chest. "Excuse my brother. He was never too keen on manners. Why am I just now learning that you survived all these years, Maddelena? Was I not a worthy adversary for you to trust? You clearly trusted Niklaus with your secrets and look what good that did. Look where that got you. Nothing but a pain in the ass. Lainey, I thought you perished in that fire. Did you hate me that much to not trust me?"

I wobble forwards as I fight the tears that tremble throughout me. "Lijah... I wanted to tell you. I wanted to reunite with you after all these years... but I could not risk it. I could not risk it..."

"You couldn't risk it, Maddelena? You told Niklaus because you didn't want to risk it."

"Listen, I understand you want answers. But can't you be happy that I'm technically not dead. When the both of you ended your lives as preventative measures to protect Hope, I died. Yes, I've died before but nothing like this before. My heart stopped and it was an ungodly pain. Agonizing pain that you wouldn't dare wish upon anyone. And it was because of the bond that I felt your death; collapsing to the floor releasing a sonic scream through my coven." I pause to catch my breath as anger registered on Klaus's face and sympathy on Elijah's. "After that, I didn't know what to do. Klaus hid something from me and I thought I would never see it again."

"But you had all this time to tell me that you were alive. Did I not mean anything to you, Maddelena?"

My face turned downwards as I pulled away from Elijah.

Klaus charges over to me and wraps his hands around my throat. His hands were a noose around my neck. Air evaporating from my lungs. "Do you have any idea what you have done? I was at peace! I moved on! Death will show no mercy on you! You have ruined everything and for what? Madelaine, you will pay for this! You owe me!" roared Klaus as his grip on my neck tightens.

With quite a bit of force and magic, I threw Klaus away from me as he slammed against the brick house. Siphoning Gemini Queen Mads is back.

Elijah sits back and comments, "Here it goes again."

"I owe you? I owe you for what? Every time that your siblings or lovers have turned away from you, I was there! Every time Mikael was after you, I was there to protect you. When you needed a witch, guess what? I was there! I was there for your darkest days, Niklaus. Cleaning up your messes or controlling the narrative. I never abandoned you. I am the reason you are King! Hell, I gave you a doppelganger to keep you satisfied and what did I get in return? Nothing! Nothing at all. You took everything from me. Nik, I gave you power and you stabbed me in the back. All I want is what you hid from me. That is all. Nothing more. But that's clearly too much to ask for. Niklaus, I gave you a chance to be a father to Hope again. To guide her in being a vampire. To be there for your child and you think I owe you. I owe you nothing! As you once said, we all must stand alone against our demons. If someone gets their hands on them, it will be a bloodshed. I'm asking for always and forever. Cashing in on family is power. You owe me." I pause as the anger inside me festered. "I owe you nothing."

The fear in Sully's eyes was in full bloom. Phoenix ran from the trees to get to me. Something flickered behind Klaus' eyes. Wonder? Excitement? Thrill? Fear? Something that I hadn't seen in years. Humor danced in the silence. Freya and Hope hung in the sidelines. Elijah waited for the other shoe to drop. Ideas toyed with our minds.

"I owe you nothing." I begin as I circle Klaus like prey. "But you're welcome."

With his new lease on life, Klaus throws a friendly smile my way. "So, where do we go now?"

Stopping dead in my tracks, I laugh with "Uhm, Klaus? You're the one that hid them. You tell us?"

His smile faded as he took my hand. "Oh love, I was protecting you. I was protecting Hope. I don't know where they are. When the Hollow took us over, I had a contingency in place. One that was fool's proof, I promise you. If the Hollow would have discovered your secret, you would have begged for death."

I plop on the ground and throw my hands up. "Well what do we do now?" as the tear rolls down past my nose. "All of this was for nothing."

Hope pushes past Freya, Bonnie, and Sully and kneels beside me. "Auntie Mads, we will find them. Have a little hope." chuckled my niece, Hope Mikaelson. More like her mother than her father, that's for sure. That's when I realized where we had to go.

"Chicago. We must go to the Windy City. Renwick accidentally dropped Chicago while we were talking. I didn't think much of it at the time. I try to block out my days in Chicago."

"So, let's go to Chicago." agrees Klaus.

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