Chapter seven

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""I have to go and save them!" Jensen exclaimed. Everything happened all too quickly and he needed to go to the black cat even if it meant he'd run into a trap.

"Jensen, if you go to that place then you are falling right into Anti's trap," Jared responded, "at least let me come with you." Jensen shook his head. This was his job and he wanted to save his family.

"Jensen, while I can't condone you for wanting to save your family, we need to be extremely careful," Chase explained. "I've asked Ethan what has been happening, Anti plans to use the staff to turn everyone into their alter egos, if we don't stop him then there won't be anyone left to stop him." Jared nodded. Jensen rolled his eyes and walked away, actually more like he snuck away from Chase and his friend. No way was he going to let Jared get hurt, Anti was his unfinished business, he'd gone up against him at the start of the war even before Jared knew about what he did. It was his own fault for letting his guard down and allowing Mark into his head. He understood the consequences and he understood that there were a lot of things at risk. That didn't matter to him however, right now his only thought was to get to his family. Jensen got to his car and climbed inside it.

"Going somewhere?" a voice said next to him. Jensen jumped and turned to look at the passenger seat where he saw Jared sitting in the passenger seat.

"How did you get in here, you were just with Chase." Jensen asked suddenly.

"You know the invisibility device? Yeah, that's how, Chase gave it to me," Jared responded. "And just to let you know, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not," he kept going. "Jensen you can't keep doing this alone, so I came up with a plan, you can go in but i'll follow invisibly. I'll go in and rescue Daneel and JJ, just keep Anti distracted." Jensen gripped his steering wheel tightly wishing that there was a way he could get out of this, but either way he was going to get caught in that trap. He simply nodded and started the car, leaving the compound he drove straight to the hideout. He had a feeling that something was going to go wrong instantly, and if his dream was correct, Anti planned to possess him. Even though Jared knew the coordinates, it gave them a chance to get to the staff first and hopefully transport it somewhere safe, granted if the plan actually worked and didn't fall through. The two rode in complete silence until eventually they arrived at the hideout.

"I hope you're right." Jensen said and climbed out. "Stay here, if I don't come out in fifteen minutes then forget me and save my family." Jared opened his mouth to say something but Jensen interrupted. "Promise me!"

"Alright, I promise." Jared said despite his protests. Jensen nodded and walked toward the compound. There were guards that stood outside, they stood in place except they were ready to pick a fight. One guy was tall with a ski mask on and covered head to toe with camo and black. They stood in place, not allowing Jensen through. However, Jensen simply laughed and knocked both guards out with a simple gesture disarming them and kicking them in between their legs, also stealing one of their access passes. They toppled over in pain allowing Jensen to race inside, Jensen ran through the halls dodging other alter egos. The place was massive, with different people that he used to know, even people that his daughter watched on YouTube, it seemed too easy for him to make it through. He arrived at a room which looked like it was a holding cell, looking through the window he saw his wife and daughter. Jensen wanted to cry but there was no time for that so he tried the door but it wouldn't budge, automatic. Jensen cursed and remembered that he had stolen one of the guards cards. Checking his pockets he pulled out the access card and placed it on the door lock. The light turned green and he ran inside toward the cell.

"Danneel! JJ!" Jensen exclaimed. Danneel looked up and saw him, almost instantly, he saw the panic in her eyes and wondered what happened or why she was worried. Jensen quickly texted Jared letting him know the location. "Are you okay?!"

"Jensen! You shouldn't have come!" Danneel said worriedly. Jensen didn't listen and the next thing he experienced was someone hitting him in the head and his family's screams before everything had gone black.


Jared couldn't wait any longer, it had been longer than fifteen minutes and as soon as he saw the text he knew something was up. So he ran out of Jensen's car and knocked out the remaining guards that were beginning to come too simply by running into them, and because he was under the cloaking device the guards thought some kind of ghost was attacking them. He saw a ton of people being locked which made him realize that Anti had been capturing all these youtubers over the years, and when he felt they became useless he locked them up. Jared wanted to free them as he couldn't just leave them here but before he could even move, he picked up the sound of crying. Without a second thought he ran towards the sound and came across the holding cell, inside Daneel was trying her best not to burst into tears and JJ was hiding in the corner not wanting to be seen. Jared turned the device off and Daneel asked what he was doing here.

"Saving you two of course." Jared said and noticing that a card was required to open the door, he pulled out his gun disabling the controls. The door opened instantly and Jared helped Daneel get to her feet.

"Uncle Jared!" JJ exclaimed once she was freed. "I knew that you and Daddy would come save us," she continued. "But the bad man took him away."

"Don't worry I'm gonna find him," Jared promised. "But you need to protect your mom and get out of here." He handed her one of his cloaking devices so that she and her mother could escape without being seen, JJ nodded and said she would be brave.

"I'm not going to leave my husband here, I..." Daneel began but Jared cut her off.

"Are very pregnant and shouldn't be stressing unless you want an early birth of miscarriage," Jared said. "I understand but I need to get you both to safety." Before Danneel could respond the area around them began glitching and changing color, JJ let out a high pitched scream and sure Dark had caught them.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise, I was expecting you to get here sooner." Dark commented. Jared told them both to run and Danneel wasted no time in picking up her daughter despite JJ saying she wanted to help. Dark let them go as he knew that Anti had captured Jensen so there was no need to keep them captive any longer.

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