Chapter 48- Bring Me Back To Life

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I lower my head down avoiding eye contact with him. He faces me instantly and tries to reach out to me, but I wither away from his touch.

Looking out the window, I see a sign that says 'rest stop- 2 miles.'

Carter's heavy breathing brings me back to look at him. He no longer has tense hands, but his jaw is tight.

His jaw ticks a few times before he releases his jaw.

"Baby, I am sorry," I turn away again, not liking his tone.

He tries to reach out again, but I swat his hand away, "Sarah, please look at me."

"I saw some things in the coma that I don't want to talk about, right now." He opens up, "it had to do with you and my mom."

We pull into the rest stop and he parks the car next to the building where the bathrooms are. The headlights turn off and he unbuckles his seatbelt.

Carter has never yelled at me like that. He is always so sweet to me, making sure I am comfortable and safe.

"I am going to the bathroom, do you want to come with me?" He takes the keys out of the ignition and puts them on the dash.

I shake my head no, "alright, I will be right back."

He walks over to the little entry point labeled 'restrooms' and turns around to look at the car. Waiting there for a moment, hoping I will join him.

When I don't, he turns back around and enters the bathrooms.

I sniffle, "he didn't have to yell at me."

Granted, I just yelled at him. He was mean to me though, he told me to shut up.

Rain pallets start hitting the car and I hope he comes back before it gets too bad. There wasn't any rain in the forecast.

There was a blanket in the backseat and I grabbed it. I placed it over Carter, he fell asleep about twenty minutes or so ago.

I can't sleep, there is too much adrenaline going through my veins. Scared I might see something out there, I keep watching just in case.

After he fell asleep, I turned the car on. The radio started to play and I kept it at the same station as it was before. It was playing some of Carter's favorite songs and I wanted him to be comfortable.

Laying the seat back, I sense a warm front coming from the vents. The heat isn't on, so I don't know where it could be coming from.

Probably from Carter, he sleeps with his mouth open and snores. I won't tell him that, he will just deny it and say that is actually me.

I close my eyes and try to focus on the rain. The soft snoring of my boyfriend keeps me awake, but the rain adds a delicate temp.

With my eyes closed, I can feel the warmth begin to spread from my hands to my arms, and over my stomach. Switching to my side, I hear a light-clicking sound.

I assume it is Carter moving, but he doesn't say anything. The clicks appear again, opening my eyes, I see nothing.

Hmm, just go to sleep. You are freaking yourself out.

Imagining the warm rain kissing my skin brings me to a stull. The sound slowly drifted away, leaving both me and Carter vulnerable to the outside enemy.

Leading you down into my core...

Where I have become so numb...

Without a soul...

The Curse of A Life TimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant