3.7 ・゜゜・.

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   "It doesn't look very broken to me."

Since Sirius Black broke in, Harry could sense that he was being closely monitored wherever he went. He had already been warned by Professor McGonagall that he was in fact after him.

"I know, Professor, I heard Mr Weasley talking to Mrs Weasley, he works for the Ministry of Magic." Harry informed her.

The week before the Quidditch match did not help either.

Harry kept getting suggestions for the game from Oliver Wood, who kept approaching him. Due to Draco Malfoy's "painful" arm, they were now playing Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin, therefore they had to prepare again.

At one point, Harry was ten minutes late to Defense Against the Dark Arts because Oliver didn't stop talking.

Finally able to escape, Harry sprinted for the entrance of the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin, I-"

However, Professor Lupin was not there. He was replaced with a man with a hooked nose and greasy black hair. Snape.

"Take a seat, Potter, that's ten points from Gryffindor for being late."

"Where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked, reluctant to sit down.

"He says that he is too ill to teach today, sit down."

But instead of sitting down, Harry just stood there bewildered.

"Potter, another ten points from Gryffindor if I have to ask you to sit down again."

Harry took a seat next to Ron hesitantly.

"I am not sure where Lupin has left off-"

Hermione began, "Please, Sir, We've studied Red Caps, Hinkypunks-"

"That's enough, Miss Granger," Snape cut her off, "I was just commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organisation. Today we will be studying werewolves. Turn to page 394."

"We're not supposed to start this for weeks, are we?" Y/n muttered to Hermione.

Hermione shook her head.

"Can anyone tell me how you can differ a wolf from a werewolf?" inquired Snape.

Hermione and Y/n hoisted their hands in the air.


"I've got my hand up, can you not see it?" Y/n spat.

"Five points from Gryffindor."

"We told you," Parvati Patil started complaining, "we haven't actually began werewolves yet!"

"Please, Professor," Hermione recommenced, "There are a number of ways in which a wolf can be distinguished from a werewolf. The wolf's snout-"

"Five points from Gryffindor. This is the second time you have spoken out of turn today, Miss Granger," Snape growled, "Are you able to contain yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"

The entire class eyed Snape with hatred.

Hermione's face had turned red, and she was sniffling while she was sitting at her desk. She was consoled by Y/n, who was going to defend her until Ron started.

"But she answered the question! Why ask if you don't want to be told?"

"Detention, Weasley."

When the bell finally sounded, Professor Snape held them all back.

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