3.4 ・゜゜・.

14 1 0

"My dear, you have... the grim!"

The following morning, Y/n rose early, roughly at the same time as Hermione.

They went to the great hall for breakfast after they were both dressed and ready.

"We have Divination first." Hermione stated as she glanced at her schedule.

"Mione, how are you going to get to all of those classes? Most of them are happening at the same time." Y/n asked.

"I'll manage, Y/n!"

Harry and Ron emerged and sat down. Ron grabbed some toast and began buttering it with greed.

He stuffed his mouth with the excessively buttered toast and questioned, "What's first?"

"Divination." Y/n said in disgust as Ron continued to stuff his face with more food.

"Stop talking with your mouth full of food, Ronald!" Hermione scolded.

"Sorry, Hermione." Ron said, though he still had a mouthful of food.

              ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

The quartet strolled to Divination, they were almost late since they couldn't find the room and had to rely on a painting which was extremely unhelpful and annoying.

Y/n turned to talk to Hermione, but realised she wasn't there. She stood there baffled but quickly climbed the ladder to the class because she was already practically late. Y/n took a seat next to Harry and Ron, who didn't really seem to notice Hermione was missing.

A woman entered the room at that very moment wearing a tangle of necklaces around her neck and glasses that made her eyes appear twice as wide.

Everyone lined up to collect a mug as they were instructed to read tea leaves.

"Neville, the next time you pick a mug, make it a blue one, I rather like the pink ones." said Professor Trelawney.

And with that, Neville dropped his mug on the floor.

Professor Trelawney tuned to Lavender Brown, "The thing you've been dreading my dear, it will happen on the 16th of October!"

Lavender gasped, growing more concerned because Professor Trelawney had previously predicted that Neville would drop the mug.

To obtain the tea leaves, Trelawney poured each person a cup of tea. Y/n, Harry and Ron almost burnt their mouths since they were trying to finish the tea.

"Swap cups with the person across from you." remarked Professor Trelawney.

After swapping cups, Harry and Ron turned to face Y/n.

"I'll just watch, thanks..." Y/n stated, unsure about the lesson as a whole.

"You can swap with me." Hermione's voice sounded.

"When did you get here?" Ron asked, slightly freaked out.

"I've been here the entire time, Ronald, what are you talking about?" Hermione gave a reply.

"What do you see?" Harry asked.

"Uhm, I see a sort of wonky cross... which entails suffering, but that there could be the sun which means happiness... so you're going to suffer, but your going to be happy about it?"

"Now, now dear, let me have a look!" Ron's cup was taken away by Professor Trelawney, who then exhaled loudly.

"What?" Harry enquired.

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