3.5 ・゜゜・.

10 0 0

"You can't lie to me, Harry."

The four watched as Draco fussed about his arm while eating lunch at the Gryffindor table.

"He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?" Ron remarked.

"Yeah, let's just hope Hagrid doesn't get fired." replied Harry.

"I've heard Draco's father's furious." said Hermione.

"We haven't heard the end of this." Y/n added on.

        ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

"Can anyone tell me what this is?" Professor Lupin inquired while indicating a wobbling wardrobe.

"That's a Boggart, that is." said Dean Thomas.

"Very good. Who can explain what a Boggart does?"

"It takes the form of whatever the person fears the most." Hermione stated.

"When did she get here?" Y/n shook her head and shrugged in response to Ron's question.

"That's what makes them so-" Hermione carried on.

"So terrifying, good!" Lupin concluded, "Now, let's practice the spell without wands first, repeat after me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" the class repeated.

"This class is ridiculous." muttered Draco Malfoy.

"Now, Neville could you come up here please?" sought Lupin.

Neville approached Lupin and the wardrobe with reluctance.

"Can you tell us what scares you the most?" Lupin asked.

"Professor Snape..." Neville said under his breath.


"Professor Snape."

The majority of the class laughed at this.

"Ah, yes, Professor Snape frightens us all!" Lupin said, slightly chuckling himself, "You live with your grandmother, is that correct?"

"Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either!"

"It won't," Lupin reassured, "Can you think of what kind of clothes your grandmother wears?"

"Well, she carries a red handbag-"

"Don't tell us; just picture it in your head. When I open that wardrobe door, I want you to-"

He whispered something to Neville, which made him laugh.

"Can you do that?"


The door of the wardrobe swung open, and out of it walked Professor Snape. Neville looked up at the Boggart in fear.

"R-Riddikulus!" he said.

Snape was now dressed in a fashionable hat and a green coat, and he was holding a bright red handbag.

Everyone in the class, including Lupin, burst into laughter.

"Next! Ron." Lupin announced.

Ron stepped forward, and the Boggart transformed into a giant spider, as tall as the room. Ron gulped.


The spider suddenly found itself without legs and started frantically rolling around the classroom. Students had to run to the sides of the room to avoid being crushed by it.

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