Chapter 10

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            It had been the first night since Mark had to work the night shift.

            “Lexie!” Meredith cried out as I saw her running towards me. I turned my head to look at her as I began coughing up blood. Oh god, what was going on?

            “Someone help us!” Mark yelled out as he began pushing something.

            “We’re gonna help you, I promise, Lex.” Mark said trying to reassure me.

            “LEXIE!” I heard Meredith cry out again as I now hovered above her watching her cry.

            “Mer, I’m right here.” I say reaching out to touch her, but my hand just slips right through her. I turn to look at Mark who is now lying on the ground with Cristina trying to revive him multiple times. The scene changes to Mark holding my hand again,

            “I love you.” He whispers as he strokes my hair,

            “I love you too.” I say back, but something tells me he didn’t hear me.

            “I love you. I love you.” He repeats while holding my hand and crying.

            “Mark, I love you. Do you hear me?” I ask while trying to shake his body that lied on the ground, but I just went right through him too.

            “Mark! MARK!” I yell out as I jolt up in my bed panting and sweating. I turn to look at the other side of the bed just to see it empty; Mark still hadn’t come home. I take a deep breath before deciding to get dressed. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I lean towards the sink and began splashing my face with water. I then looked at myself in the mirror again thinking about the dream, about how my mind constantly wanted to remind me about the horrible day and how it wanted to tell me that I should have died that day, but didn’t. I hated having thoughts about the plane crash, but every day there was ALWAYS something that reminded me of it.  I took another deep breath, fixed my hair, and headed out to the hospital.

            When I arrived, I was still half asleep, everything seemed like a blur.

            “Dr. Grey, we didn’t know you were on call tonight.” I hear someone say. As I turn around I see Chief Hunt looking at me.

            “Are you okay?” I nod a bit unsure as I continued to walk.

            “Dr. Grey!” He calls out as my eyes look around for Mark.

            “Okay, you don’t look well. Lay down here.” Owen guides me to one of the rooms and tries to get me to lie down.

            “I-I need…” I softly say while thinking about the dream.

            “What do you need? Lay down, I’ll have a nurse bring it.” I shake my head, pushing past him, and heading towards the door.

            “Lexie!” He calls my name out, but I ignored it. I continued to walk down the halls of the hospital, but it seemed I could only run into people I didn’t wanna see.

            “Lexie? I didn’t know you were on call tonight.” I hear Meredith call my name out.

            “She’s not.” Owen replies for me as he grabs my shoulders to try and take me back to the room.

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