Chapter 3

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            I had officially lost track of time. Apparently, it had only been four days since we were all stranded in the woods, but to me, it felt like months. I opened my eyes slowly as I heard the sound of the helicopter’s choppers fly around us. The lights were shining so brightly, that I could barely see anything; I felt like I was dead and about to cross over. I watched as a few people got off the helicopter and grabbed Cristina and Meredith first. In that moment, I turned my head and looked over at Mark. I wanted to speak, but the sounds of the choppers were so loud; that and no words wanted to come out. Next they grabbedArizonaand Derek; Mark and I were last. When one guy tried to carry me up alone, I reached my arm out trying not to let go of Mark’s hand, but the paramedics didn’t care. They just wanted to save us and get us to a hospital as soon as possible.

            While on the helicopter, I looked over at Mark, who laid on a gurney next to me. I slowly reached my arm out to hold his hand, but pain started to shoot down my hip; I let out a loud scream. The paramedics began injecting me with morphine so I wouldn’t feel the pain and before I knew it, I was knocked out cold.

            When we arrived at the hospital atIdaho, all I could hear were ringing sounds and muffled voices. I had no idea what was going on. I looked around as I laid in the bed and didn’t see any of the other doctors. Oh god! Mark! He was all I could think about. Then I started to worry aboutArizona, Cristina, Derek, and Meredith. I swallowed hard as a few doctors walked into my room and began examining me. They spoke about me, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. One of them looked into my eyes with a light, in which my instant reaction was to shut my eyes. I already had the helicopter’s lights shining brightly in my eyes and I for sure DIDN’T need more of them blinding me. Then it got quiet again. For a while, I had no idea the other doctors had had family members or loved ones visiting until Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber entered my room. Of course they would be here, I didn’t have any loved ones or family members who WEREN’T on the plane crash. They began speaking to me and I think they were asking questions, but my ears were still ringing as if I had just gone to a concert and stood directly next to the speakers. Dr. Bailey pulled up my chart and looked at it. Based on her face, something on my chart was very surprising. At that moment, I opened my mouth and softly said,

            “D-Dr. Bailey…” She looked over at me, put the chart down, and held my hand.

            “You’re okay.” My hearing slowly started to come back as I shut my eyes tightly and felt tears running down my cheeks. Dr. Bailey leaned close and hugged me gently. This was DEFINITELY a moment I never thought I’d see in Dr. Bailey.

            “You’re gonna be okay.” She said again as she pulled up a chair and sat down. Dr. Webber stood next to her. I let out a soft smile and whispered,

            “Mark…” Dr. Bailey looked up at Dr. Webber and she motioned with her eyes for him to check on Mark; he nodded and left the room.

            “You know? You’re lucky you survived.” Dr. Bailey began getting emotional on me.

            “I read your charts and based on it, you only had wounds on your leg and hip, your lungs were bruised a bit and a few cuts here and there. But nothing too major.” I smiled softly and completely forgot I had been trapped under a plane. Dr. Bailey was right, I was lucky I got out fine. I was lucky Mark and Cristina got that plane off me before it was too late. I was just so damn lucky.

            “But your doctor friends, I’m not so sure about.” I looked at her in fear,

            “Are you gonna check up on them?” I suddenly asked,

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