Chapter 12

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They arrived at the Forgers' home. Mrs. Forger greeted them with a worried face.

Yor: Anya! Are you okay?
Anya: I am fine...
Loid: if you don't mind, Damian will be staying with us for the night.
Yor: it's alright. He can sleep in the guest room. Come on in Damian-San.

He came inside. Somehow, Anya's home always brought him comfort. He always felt welcome under the Forger roof.
When he went to his room, he saw the warm bedding prepared by Mrs. Forger and the cozy clothes provided by Mr. Forger.
He changed but didn't come out from there.

Anya: papa...
Loid: if you are asking about Damian, he hasn't come out yet... We are trying to get him to come out and join us for dinner. You can try talking to him.

Anya looked at the brown door. She knocked.

Anya: Damian... If you say nothing then you are okay with me coming in.

There was no reply. She entered.

Anya: Damian... Come out and eat dinner with us. Please.

She stepped closer.

Damian: go away! Don't come any closer. I am not worthy to be approached by you! Can't you see? I am discarded waste....

He turned to Anya.

Damian: w-why are you crying?
Anya: I am crying for you! You are so stubborn not to show any feelings! You always say Anya was a fool. But the truth is you are the fool!

She sat beside him and hugged him.

Anya: it is so unfair! You are always working so hard to make your father proud! And after all that he just tells you  you are not good enough. The same thing repeates itself and then he just abandons you! Leaving a big scar that cannot be healed.

At the point he was crying and Anya was crying too. He held her tight.
Soon after he calmed down. She took him by his hand and forced him to eat. Everyone had already finished supper  except Anya, who refused to eat without Damian.

Anya: Eat! Drink water!
Damian: you haven't eaten either.
Anya: you matter more!

Damian was flustered.

Damian: if you were able to hear this I would have told how such an amazing and kind person you are... I am glad I confessed to you. If this happened without you, I wouldn't have been able to cope...

Later they finished.
It was 8:00pm. Yor decided to lighten up the mood.

Yor: how about I make some popcorn and we can watch have a movie night
Anya: sure ma.

Yor went to make some popcorn. Anya and Damian were in charge for the movie. Loid went to the convinance store that was open until midnight to get some more snacks... and peanuts.

Anya: what do you want to watch?
Damian: how about that one?

They settled on an action movie.
Loid came back from the store and tossed Anya a bag of peanuts.

Loid: here you go Anya.
Anya: peanuts!
Yor: come Loid-San we will start the movie.

He sat next to his wife. The movie started.
Anya munched on her peanuts while Damian ate the popcorn.
Loid went to bed because the fatigue of a mission had caught up to him.
Soon it was 10:00pm.

Yor: Anya, I am going to bed. Work was brutal today.

She was not lieing. She had to take out an entire gang alone.
She got shot in the arm last time which made work even more difficult.

Anya: okay. goodnight.
Yor: Goodnight.

Anya fell asleep on the couch. She woke up a few hours later. Specifically 12:00am.
She found Damian out on the balcony.

Anya: sy-on boy. Why are you still awake?

She said while approaching him and rubbing her tired eyes.

Damian: oh, you woke up... I just can't sleep.
Anya: does it have to do with your father?
Damian: well... Ever since I was a child I have always been fascinated by politics. I have diaries stating what I would do when I became head of the party. It had things like: plant more trees. Form alliances with the West. Build more parks for Anya.

Anya laughed.

Anya: I remember that day when we were 7. It slipped out and you said "when I become president of the party I will build all the parks you like!"

Damian laughed with her.

Damian: now, I don't think I can even show my face to the public. Sure I can run for president, but if I don't have power how am I supposed to achieve that...
Anya: Damian...

Damian looked at Anya with a tint of red on his cheeks.

Anya: it doesn't take money and power to achieve your goal. It only takes courage to make things your way...

Anya put her hand on his cheek softly brushing them.
She could feel his nervous heart beat.

Anya: heck if I manage to be your wife in the future. I would help you every step of the way.

Damian leaned in and kissed her.

Damian: you already saved from spiraling.

They sat together on the balcony for a while before Anya fell asleep on his shoulder.
He carried her to her room and he went to his.
Damian layed on his bed drowning in his thoughts.

Damian: at least we have a 3 week  holiday.

He finally closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep.

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