Chapter 2

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Mr. Henderson: before we begin. You all have a test. The people who manage to achieve elegant grades. They will be awarded a deserved trip to the theme park. Those who don't manage will not go. However those who fall behind will have to receive tuition for the next week. Let us begin.

Anya: papa! I am home!
Loid: welcome home Anya.

Anya went up to her room to get changed and sat down with her family to have dinner.

Anya: papa...
Loid: yes.
Anya: I have a test in the next three days on Thursday. If I fail I will have to go to tuition in for a whole week.

Just as Loid was sipping his drink he spat  it all over the table.

Loid: I still haven't recovered from last year...

Anya looked at him shocked and a bit annoyed.

Loid: is that so?
Anya: you can actually receive a reward trip if you get a good grade.
Loid: Alright. We can study after supper.

Anya got goosebumps just hearing the word study.

Anya: I guess I haven't recovered either.

Loid and Anya sat down. Anya opened her book and they started.

Loid: so first you have to add the two numbers then...

Hours had passed and they finished studying. Everyone was in bed.

Anya: Anya can finally relax... Did I do well or do I need to revise that one topic one more papa said I did good I should be fine... Anya really doesn't want tuition, papa is already bad enough. Okay, okay, just close your eyes and stop thinking.

Anya was feeling very uneasy, so she decided to get up and revise a bit more. She ended up staying up until 1:00am
By that time she was so tired that she had to drag herself onto her bed.

Yor: Anya it's time to get up.
Anya: good morning...
Yor: oh my! You look so rough didn't you sleep last night.
Anya: well I was feeling uneasy about the test so I kinda stayed up all night.
Yor: honey your test is not until after tomorrow... You don't need to worry about anything.

Anya used every ounce of energy just to get ready.

Anya: good morning papa...
Loid: good morni- you look tired, didn't you sleep last night.
Yor: she was worried about the test so she stayed all night studying.

Anya ate her breakfast and went on the school bus to school.

Becky: he- Anya you look like a mess!
Anya: I didn't get mutch sleep last night...

Just then, Damian walked by.

Damian: my- you look like hell. Are you even okay?
Becky: since when do you care?

Damian: have I been that horrible...

Anya looked at his upset face. It looked so sincere and disappointed.

Anya: don't worry, I am fine...

She gave him a soft genuine smile which made his cheeks red. He managed to keep his composure.

Damian: anyway, we should get to class.

He looked fine on the outside but he was screaming on the inside.

Damian: AAAAAAA- she is so cute. Just yesterday I admit my feelings for her to myself and then she makes me freak out. Alright keep your cool don't make it obvious.

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