Chapter 1

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It has been years since the organization WISE aproved of Twighlite's (real) marriage.

Anya is walking towards Eden's familiar gates. Her imperial scholar robes are dragging behind her.
As Anya is walking she spots Becky from a distance.

Anya: long time no see Becky!
Becky: oh how long it has been!
Anya: Becky is such a drama queen.

They start walking once more. They just so happen to run into Damian and his friends.

Emile: surprised you are not expelled yet.
Becky: just shut up. Why are yoy such a mood killer on the FIRST day of a new year.
Ewin: you still look like an uggo.

Anya ignored the comment and gave him her signature smirk. She held it until she was caught of guard with Damian's thoughts.

Damian: why does that comment makes me want to yell at his face...

Anya did not know why he was thinking about that. She was confused.

Anya: did syon hit his head or something...

Becky: whatever, we don't want to waste our time on a bunch of jerks. Let's go Anya.

Anya scurryed along as Becky was walking quickly just so she can get away from them.

In class, they sat in their usual seats.

Mr. Henderson: welcome back to another elegant school year. I am hoping we can all work together to write a fine page in Eden history. Before we begin I would like to introduce a new student. She had just become an imperial scholar because of her elegant work and determination.

The girl entered and everyone was admiring her beauty. Well almost everyone.

Damian: what is so special about her sure she looks nice but Anya is the prettiest girl in m-... What-what am I thinking. She is a commenar and I am a Desmond, I can't be seen with her, it would be embarrassing and it would ruin my family's reputation...

Anya started to blush. It was not visible but it was there.

Amy: Hello everyone, I am Amy Edwards, I hope we can get along.

Mr. Henderson: elegant introduction Miss. Edwards.
Anya: Edwards... I know, papa had a mission to take down the Edwards butler, because he was planning to bomb the city!

Mr. Henderson: you can sit where ever you want.

??? : pls sit beside me.
??? : please pick me!

She walked to her seat which just so happens to be next to the popular girl. This left a lot of disapointed faces. Anya wondered, what made her so special.

Intertcome: Mr. Henderson please report to tower A.
Mr. Henderson: I must go. Please remain seated and keep up elegant behavior.

Anya decided to whisper to Becky who she is, just incase she is someone important.

Anya: *not to be rude or anything, who is she and what makes her so special.
Becky: *her parents are both very powerful people. They are celeberties in presious stone jewelry production. They have the longest running mines in history. The only problem is... I hate her.
Anya: * why though, she seems like a nice and innocent girl.
Becky: * exactly! Behind those puppy eyes, she is a devil in disguise.
Anya: * okay... I believe you... but what did she ever do to you to make you hate her.
Becky: * the first time I met her, she seemed like a nice person. We were getting along until she saw my presious vase that I was gifted by my grandmother before she passed. She asked what it is, then took it and smashed it on the floor. She told me no one should be better than her and walked off.
Anya: * that sounds awful!
Becky: * luckily my grandmother gave me two....if I were you I wouldn't get close to her. She is a very jelouse, envious person.

Damian over heard the conversation.

Damian: * she is right. Once, as kids, she pulled a girl's hair just because she talked to me.

Damian: and I don't want her to hurt you too... Anya...
Anya: WHA- since when does he care about me. Syon boy must be sick for sure!

Anya thought while blushing and mildly concerned.

 Two Face [ A Damianya Story] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن