Chapter 17

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The next day, Damian was told to go downstairs and have breakfast with his father.

Damian: that is unusual from him...

He went to the dining table to find his entire family waiting for him.

Damian: good morning...
Donovan: let me get to the point... You are getting married after you graduate to Amy...
Damian: what?!
Donovan: don't you raise your voice at me... I already spoke to her family.
Damian: father I am only 18!
Donovan: and after school you will be 19.

Damian turned to his mother hoping she would object, but she was just looking down with a sad face at her plate...

Damian: mother, please, do something.

She started tearing up.
She looked at him and mouthed.

Melinda: I am sorry...

Damian left the dinner table and stopped to his room.

He slammed the door shut.

Donovan: soon he'll understand that I am doing this for his own good...

Meanwhile, Damian threw a picture frame out of rage.

Damian: he knows I was not going to agree. Yet he still is controlling my life!
I know mother tried to convince him...
But he just didn't care about his son's opinions!

He got dressed and went to school.
He found Anya speaking with Becky and she had a few scratches on her face.
He came to her.

Damian: what happened to your face.
Anya: bond's nails were a bit long and he accidentally scratched me with them.

She said it confidently.

Damian: well, be careful next time...

The day went by fast. He didn't want to go back home and he just sat on a random bench...
Damian: how can you avoid marriage... How can you avoid marriage...

He sat there and thought long and hard.

Damian: you can't get married.... Unless you are.... Engaged.

He was happy to have come up with a plan, but he would have to propose to... Anya.

At this point his heart was beating out of his chest...
He had to discuss the matter with Anya...

He found it was night time... He remembered about the lady from yesterday. He had to get home.

He started walking home.
He was getting nervous and scared... He couldn't help but feel as if something bad was about to happen.
Everything was dead silent. He could only hear the sound of his footsteps and the sound of his breathing... It all made him feel uneasy.
There was a tap on his shoulder.
He turned with a clenched fist and punched who ever was behind him. They  dodged his punch.
Damian let out a sigh of relief.

Damian: it's only you...
Nightnare: you know it's concerning how weak your punch is...
Damian: is that supposed to be an insult?!

His arrogant side started acting up.

Nightmare: didn't I tell you NOT to go out at night?
Damian: yeah but I am going home right now.
Nightmare: why didn't you go home earlier?
Damian: because I didn't want to...
Nightmare: don't you know that if you go out at night your life is at stake?
Damian: why are you asking so many questions?
Nightmare: sir, it is part of my job to question everything. Expect the worst and find a solution around it. I can't rely on luck all the time...

They stayed silent for a bit.

Damian: how did you know where I was?
Nightmare: that doesn't concern you...
Damian: then why are you here?
Nightmare: I was sent to accompany you home...
Damian: well can I go home now?!
Nightmare: fool, your arguing is what was holding you back from going home...

They both started walking. The silence was killing Damian, so he was first to break the ice.

Damian: so... What do you work as...
Nightmare: I am not supposed to tell you...
Damian: fine...
Nightmare: I work as two jobs that are related to each other...
Damian: okay... Do you perhaps know a girl called Anya Forger?
Nightmare: she was one my clients I had to protect.

Damian was shocked and worried. He only meant it as a joke to see if she was going to react suspiciously.

Damian: what! why?!
Nightmare: the details are confidential.

Damian was getting frustrated with her for being, so secretive.

They arrived to Damian's mansion.

Nightmare: good night to you sir.

She bowed and ran off.
Damian went to his room. Showered and sat at his desk. He looked at the time 7:32pm.

Damian: why was Anya in the need of being protected.

Meanwhile with agent Nightmare.

Nightmare: that name... Anya Forger... She is an entirely different person...

Nightmare was back at headquarters.

Handler: welcome back Agent Nightmare...
Nightmare: greetings handler.

She took off her hood and mask...

( hah ya really thought I was gonna reveal her like that... Well think again buddy 😉...
Anyway, are you having doubts about Nightmare 🤔?
<P. S I am not trying to be rude😬>)

Handler: is Desmond at home in safety.
Nightmare: yes Handler... I can assure you not a single scratch on the boy.
Handler: very well and you know I trust you agent... You are one of our top spies and assassins... Now to discuss your next mission... You must gather Intel about a certain teacher who works at Eden...
You will break into his office get what you need and leave...
Nightmare: yes ma'am.
Handler: good... We all know that you won't hesitate to give it your very best.
Nightmare: I know.. But not every mission I have been at so far has gone according to plan...
Handler: Nightmare, not everything in this world goes according to plan... And that's the beauty of life... For now you can go home and rest. And for the mission... you have until after tomorrow. We need the information as soon as possible... You are dismissed.
Nightmare: thank you ma'am...

She put on her hood and mask and was off...

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