Chapter 11

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It was the weekend. Anya was bundled up in warm blankets, drinking hot chocolate.
She got a text message from Becky.

Anya's phone:                Becky's phone:

Becky 💁‍♀️:                             Anya 🥜:

Hey Anya.

                                          Hello Becky.
Sooo, you know how
the ball is on Wednesday.  
Do you wanna go shopping
for dresses with me.
                                      Alright, when?

At 12:00pm
                             Fine, but the prices
                            should be affordable!
Awsome! See you
There ♥️
                                              You too...

Anya looked at the time... 11:00am. She has one hour to get ready and head out the door. Her parents were both at work.
So she got dressed, grabbed her wallet and headed out the door.

She meet up with Becky at her home.

Becky: Anya! Are you ready!
Anya: shopping with you is tiring. So not really...
Becky: that's the spirit!

Becky grabbed Anya's hand. Pushed her in the car and got in.

Anya: Becky!
Becky: oh you are always like this before we go shopping and then at the end you have fun sooo, I am not sorry.

Anya sighed and rolled her eyes. She grinned at Becky.

Becky: to the mall.

When they got there they went into a little boutique looking shop.
They were greeted with the workers.

Staff: Hello Miss. Blackbell.

Becky smiled at her and continued walking in.
A dress caught Anya's eye. She realized that there was no price tag. She turned to Becky.

Anya: Becky... What did you do?
Becky: you wanted affordable prices so I made my father buy the store. So everything is free.
Anya: when I said affordable prices I meant in the price range of 50-100! Now you practically made the shop a private boutique!
Becky: your welcome.

Becky signaled Anya to try on the dress.
When she tried it on, it was a horrible surprise.

Anya: I look like a barbie doll who spilled blue dye on the thing.
Becky: ehh- that looks bad on you... Um luckily I picked out some more for you.

Anya tried on a bunch of different dresses.

Anya: .... Is this a joke! When did an too-too become a good dress option. I obviously can't pull it off because it is two sizes too big.

Becky was snickering.

Becky: you know what? I think I know what will go well on you! Be right back!

When she came Back she had a gown. It was the shades of green from head to toe.

Becky: it's your favorite colour! And it will go well with your hair.

Anya took the dress and tried it on.
Once she stepped out, Beck was squealing with excitement.

Becky: it looks so good on you!
Anya: it looks good because you picked it out.

Becky had already picked a one. Unlike Anya's, it was very extra.

It was the night of the ball. There was the full moon that hung in the night sky.
During those days, Anya can't read minds. She appreciated the silence but it was always hard to adapt once more to the awful load of thoughts and the eerie feeling of not knowing what the person in front of her was thinking.

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