Chapter 6

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It was the weekend. The Forgers were having a slow morning.
Loid looked at his family lovingly.

Loid: can I have some more tea?
Yor: here.
Anya: I don't get it!
Loid: Anya I told you if you move this number here it would be much easier.
Anya: I am spiraling...
Loid: when you were sick I left you. It's time to catch up on some work.
Yor: I say you let her rest a bit...
Anya: papa please! The new spy wars episode just aired
Loid: Alright, but after you have to promise me that you will study.
Anya: I will make no such promises.

The next day, Anya had just made it to school.
As she was walking, everyone was staring at her. Some with shock and some with disgust.
She walked up to Becky.

Anya: hello Becky...
Becky: Anya are you alright!
Anya: I am fine...
Becky: is it true! The rumors are they true! That you are a ________

Anya felt her whole world coming down on her.
She couldn't speak and tears started falling from her eyes.

Anya: I-I.... I have to go!

Anya ran off while Becky tried to catch up to her.

Becky: Anya! Even if it's true it will not change a thing about you! You will still be the same to me Anya!

Becky ran out of breath but Anya just kept running.
While running she ran into Damian who was practicing his confession in his head.

Damian: I... Love... You.... I.... Love.... Yo-
It's no use I will never pick up enough courage to confess....

Damian: wow Anya slow down!

She just looked at him with tears in her sad eyes. And started running once more.

Damian: who did this to you!

Emile: serves her right for what she had done to you
Damian: what did you do...
Ewin: haven't you heard? she is a _______
Damian: I don't care...

He ran after her.
He couldn't find her anywhere. He soon heard someone sobbing in an empty classroom. He went inside.

Damian: hey its okay...
Anya: I am sure you heard about the rumors.... Yes its true Anya is a telepath.
You must be disgusted by me having read your mind all these years...

Damian pulled her in and hugged her tight.

Damian: if you can really read minds then listen to what I am saying.

Damian: it doesn't matter if you are a telepath or not. I have always liked you!ever since the punch and the apology. Nothing can change how I feel about you.... I.... Love.... You....

Anya's cheeks were red as she was blushing. She was both nervous and relieved at the same time.

Anya: I love you too...

Damian was calm... Until he found out he had just confessed on accident
AND that Anya liked him back. He turned red.

Anya: hey! it's okay!
Damian: let's just go...

As they were walking, they ran into Becky.

Becky: Anya! I don't care if you are a telepath I- why are you two holding hands.

She said while smirking.

Anya: we are together!

Hearing that made Damian smile.

Becky: that was straight forward but.      * shreik * my ship sailed. Anyway, Anya Mr. Henderson wants to talk to you. I think it has to do with you being a telepath.
Anya: there goes peaceful school life

She smiled and waved goodbye.

Damian: yes! finally. That was a load on my chest...

He was doing a little happy dance.

Damian: Now I have to find who spread the rumor...

He was walking alone when Ewin and Emile walked up to him.

Emile, Ewin: lord Damian!
Damian: what do you want...
Ewin: we are sorry Damian...
Emile: we know about you and Anya...
Damian: what are you going to do now.
Ewin: we will support you.

Damian looked at them surprised.

Emile: we have always been your friends.
Ewin: we can't ditch you after all we've been through.
Emile: we can't unfriend you for a dumb reason.
Damian: thank you.
Ewin,Emile: we will always be by your side.
Emile: now let's go find who hurt the love of your life.
Damian: Emile!
Emile: what? Did I embarrase you? Look your cheeks are red!

Suddenly, Amy lunged towards Damian hugging him.

Amy: hey Damian! Did you here? She just became scarier.
Damian: get off!

He pushed her back.

Amy: I thought you liked hugs.
Damian: I don't like hugs...

Anya returned with Becky. She spotted Damian.

Anya: sy-on boy!

She hugged him tight.

Damian: I think I should give you too a nickname and hello.
Amy: umm you back off. He doesn't like hugs especially from people like you!

She got off of him.

Amy: the rumor didn't work...

Anya: you spread the rumor!
Amy: what rumor?...
Anya: you know which one.
Becky: geuss what?
Amy: what
Becky: whatever your plan was it didn't work. It only made them closer.
Amy: Damian, what does she mean?
Damian: Emile you tell her.
Emile: *clears throat* they are seeing each other.
Amy: no they are not. Damian, they are lying right?

He held Anya's hand.

Damian: no.

Amy's face was filled with rage she stormed off.

Damian: I am going to call you peanut.
Anya: what?
Damian: peanut. Your new nickname.

Becky: they are so cute together.
Ewin: I watched the confession.
Emile: Holy crap that was such an angsty confession.

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