"That's gross."

Nate shrugs, "When you get the job and he pulls you into his office, just tell him you can only work on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday."


"Because that's when I work and I'll be able to make sure everything is okay. Also, it will be fun to have a friend on shift."

I'm oddly touched by the gesture. I follow him out to the pub floor.

"We don't open until five on the weekdays." He explains, going around and removing the chairs and stalls from the table tops. "So we have to set the tables and stuff."

I follow his lead and start at the opposite end, meaning we'll meet in the middle. Then he runs me through what beer is what and the limited spirits they have. Telling me the pub has never, and likely will never, do cocktails.

I'm relieved because it's one less thing for me to learn. I expect an influx of people when the doors open at five, but nothing happens. It's just Nate and I.

"So," Nate says, leaning against the wall, arms across his body. The more I spend time with Nate the more I like him. "How's the love life?"

"You mean how's Jordan?"

"No. How do I know you're just dating Jordan, you could have many men on the go."

I laugh. "It's just Jordan."

"Okay." He grins. "So, how's life with Jordan?"

"Yeah. Okay." I say, but I have a more pressing question. "Did you know him before uni?"

"Yeah," Nate nods, wiping down the bar. Though we haven't had any customers and it's thoroughly clean. "His dad and mine are old friends. He was my best friend until he lost his mum and brother and then he just sort of... went of the rails."

I give Nate a sharp look. "His brother?"

Nate gazes at me. "He didn't tell you?"

"Not about his brother."

Nate lets out a big sigh. I don't know if it's right to pump him for information. If Jordan wanted me to know I'm sure he would tell me.

But I want to know more. I need to know more. Nate is someone to talk to. Someone who seems to have been burned by Jordan. Someone who understands why he can be so cagey.

"He lost his mum when he was thirteen. When he was fifteen he and his brother got into a car accident. Jordan broke his leg. His brother died. He doesn't talk about it, ever. But people say they were in a fight. I think Jordan blames himself."

It's a lot of information to take on. How could a fifteen year old be so burdened so early? How do you even get past that?

Nate is on a roll. "Then he started that chefs job and the staff l were taking drugs. I think he fell in with the wrong crowd or something. He was always on something, highly strung, explosive. His dad clearly didn't know because he gave him money to start his own restaurant here in Oxford. Some Italian place."

I reel. That's how he got us into that restaurant? That's why he wasn't worried about the workers? It's his own restaurant?

Nate is oblivious to the feelings coursing through me. "Jordan blew it. Got caught doing drugs and having a wild party. His dad shut everything down and threatened to cut him off he didn't get his act together. Now, here he is. I suppose he's acting the part but I don't know. I don't know how long he'll be able to keep it all up."

The air seems incredibly thick. "You think he's acting with me?"

Nate is silent for a long while. "I think you're a nice, pretty girl who goes to Oxford. I think you're exactly who his dad would pick out for him. I think you're a means to an end for him to get what he wants. You make him look put together. You make him look like he's changed."

"But you don't think he's put together?"

"No." Nate says. "I think some people let their anger fuel them, and Jordan is still bitter about the hand he was dealt."

It's hard to reconcile the Jordan I'm being told about and the Jordan I know. They don't seem like the same people. He just doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Maybe Nate doesn't know him as well as he thinks he does.

I go to ask some questions but some punters come in and then some more. Suddenly we're actually quite busy and we're both running around pulling pints and charming the locals.

"You're doing great." Nate says to me at one point, just after I've made Craig, a known regular, laugh.

When it gets a bit quieter we stand behind the bar and try and guess the life story of the customers. Nate comes up with some really dark stuff which makes me laugh. Like how John killed his wife and got off with a technicality, or Joan used to be a cannibal which is why she's got very little teeth left.

Then there's another rush and I mess up a couple of orders which Nate fixes for me without so much as a sly dig or moan. Then it's eleven and we're kicking the customers out.

As I put the chairs on the tables and Nate mops, a rotund, short and balding man comes from a back door and looks at Nate, who gives him a nod. Then the man's beady eyes turn to me.

"What shifts can you work?"

"Er." My eyes dart to Nate who nods and then I look back at the man. "Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday?"

"Sorted." The man (I'm assuming is Pete) says, then he leaves us.

When he's gone from sight Nate runs at me and gives me a big hug. It's so tight he doesn't even realise he's lifting me off the floor.

"Thank you." I tell him. "Thanks for getting me the job."

"I didn't. You did it all by yourself. You were great. Now help me finish up so we can go home."

It's dark out and it doesn't take long for us to close everything down. I pull my coat tighter around me as we wander along the cobbled street towards uni.

"I can't wait to get in and have a cuppa." Nate says.

I laugh. "You're a little bit girly, did you know that?"

He shrugs, "Nothing wrong with that. I've got four older sisters, I don't think they'd let me be any other way."

"If I meet them I'll tell them they've raised you well."

Nate stops still and then bursts into laughter so loud, a woman behind us crosses the street, quickening her steps.

"Why is that so funny?"

He links arms with mine. "Just the idea of my sisters hearing that and their reaction to it. They'd bully me for a month straight just to let me know their work isn't done."

I smile. "They sound like good people."

He nods. "They are. When my ex dumped me they refused to let me go to a dark place."

I scrunch my face up. "Was this recently?"

"Yeah. Made a vow to never fall in love again because of her. She quite literally ripped my heart out and spat on it."

"Jesus." I say. "Do I know her? She doesn't go to uni, does she?"

He shakes his head. "I mean, she lives in this city, because that's where we're from but she doesn't go to uni. I found out just before I came she cheated on me. With a friend of mine. Then she broke up with me. Actually, she just broke me in general."

I go to ask more, eager to know more, but his face looks so hurt and sad that I close my mouth again.

It seems like everyone is harbouring some sort of pain they shouldn't be.

Definitely, Maybe, Sometimes. | ✔️ COMPLETED حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن