Mr. Doctor - chapter 14

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"Here are your drinks ladies" Isaac offers but I am not able to move past the little information I Just received.


"Oh! sorry... I just need to_"

"Hello brother" Emma jumps off from her seat to hug her brother. Isaac follows next with some boy hand shake followed with a manly embrace.

"Eve..." I stumble from my seat as his delicious voice floats over to me pulling me out of my thoughts.

His eyes linger on me creasing over every inch. making me feel like the way only he can. But he is leaving, running from this, us. Like there was even an us to being with...

Is stand up and greet them "Dr. Adam, Dr. Ana"

"Eve your drink?" Isaac is still holding my drink in his hand.

"I... sorry, I think I'm not feeling well." I look at Emma "restroom?" I ask

"Are you okay?" Her words sound concerned.

"Yes just..."

"Okay, inside the house first floor second door to your right."

I nod and walk towards the house as fast as my legs take me.

Behind the safety of closed door's. I let the information sink in, he is leaving. tears form in my eyes blurring my vision. There is truly no reason for why my heart hurts, but I does. How could I have been so off. How could I have imagined all of it, how could I be so wrong. He was never meant to be mine and now he has someone else on his arm and is happy, laughing even, the most relaxed I have ever seen him... and I am happy for him. Truly... if that what he wants then... but my treacherous heart... I need to get out of here, now.

"Eve" his voice come through the door followed by a light knock.

Why? God why? Why could I not leave here with my dignity intact?

"Eve open" this time he knocks harder

I turn to the huge vanity mirror and take a look at myself I still look as good as when I walked in but I feel ten folds worst than I did.

'Eve open the f***ing door." This time it's followed with a bang.

I have never herd him curse or loose his cool. But I can tell he is furious. But why??? Why does he care?

"We have nothing to talk about Dr. Adam. Leave me alone" I plead

"Angel please..."

There is a moment of silence on both sides before I click open the door.


She is gorgeous. And I can't ever get enough of her. She is the first person I sported walking in and all I could think was how much more beautiful could she get... every time she is more beautiful than before. And every time she has the same effect she had on me... the first tim I laid my eyes on her. How could I have ignored this for so long, how could I have been so wrong, how did I let her go??? Now standing a few steps away from her. All I wanted to do is to hold her in my arms to kiss her senseless to be lost in her and to make her mine. That is if she still wants me. And I hope I am not too late.

Clasping her little hand in mine, I ignoring the stunt look on her face as I drag her along with me to the far end room of the corridor.

"Dr. Adam, what are you doing?" she protests 'let go of me..." but I hold her until I let us inside my old room. Closing the door behind. I cage us.

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