Mr. Doctor - chapter 4

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F*** is what I hear before he spins me out wards, I am pretty sure that's what I heard, when I spin back into his arms my back to his front. He keeps his distances so much so that another person could dance in between us. Not that I am complaining I am already a mess. This man, God, he does something to my nerves. If I did not know better, I would have thought that I am having some kind of effect on him but he is Dr. Noah freaking Adam. And he's so pissed that he has to dance with me that it has him swearing under his breath and not to forget the sexy grumpy face he is wearing. Not like I asked him to dance with me, he could have very well walked away.

He stops moving behind me abruptly and the room fills with cheering and clapping I bow to my little audience and then turn to see Dr. Adam walking towards the door. What's got him so worked up I have no idea.


Its Friday already, Sam will be undergoing his second surgery today and I have already visited him twice. No matter how much I try to convince myself that he will be fine I can't. So I have decided to say back after work hours just to make sure he comes out of the OT successfully. Not that I doubt in the ability of Dr. Adam he is not one of the best he is the best no matter how weird he acts he is good at what he does.

I place my kissed fingers on Sam's cheeks before he is taken to the OT

"My strong little human you know you'll be fine right?"

He nods his head

"I'll be waiting here and when you come out, and once you're okay we can do all that we have planned to do to annoy Dr. Adam" I say to him and a ghost of smile appears on his face

"Promise?" he asks


Dr. Adam who is standing just behind us raises his eye brow and I give him is a sly smile. I don't know how but I have brought myself to enjoy his little actions. The way he looks at me the way he frowns when I catch him looking, the disapproval nods I get at times. It's all starting to appeal to my heart. However, it hasn't lessened the effect he has on me he still manages to send waves of current every time he looks my way.

Nurse Aliza roles Sam into the OT leaving me and Dr. Adam alone

"Stop doing that" he says looking into my eyes. This is the first time he has spoken to me after the elevator incident and it's a threat again.

"What?" I ask confused

"Stop worrying your lower lip. He will be fine" he says looking away from me. His jaw set in a way that indicates annoyance. Well, I get it this man hates me.

I don't understand what gets him so reeled up when he is around me. I am sure by what I hear from people around he isn't like this with everyone.

I could ask we could fight but he has an operation to perform and I am very nervous so I leave it for some other day.

I nod and then add "I trust you"
my voice is week but I know he heard it because his eyes find mine searching for sincerity and he will see nothing but that because apart from whatever this is between us, I trust him.

With a quick nod he walks into the OT.

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