Mr. Doctor - chapter 7

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I am a man who prides himself for control, someone who follows rules and yet for a moment in there it felt like I dint have any. It was like my mind was raging war with itself. Her hazel eyes looking down into mine the slight tremor of her skin under my fingers her breath coming fast only led me on to imagine things I shouldn't be imagining, things I want to do to that perfect little body of hers. The deep sound that escaped her rose pink lips... travelled to places deep within me, had me snap out of my haze. Mentally kicking myself I stood up and left before the little sane part of me stopped functioning.

That's what Eve does to me. Knowing fully well of the effect she has on me I walked into the lion's den. And no amount of work out is helping me get her image off my head and trust me I have been in the gym since I left Eve's place...

When I decided to offer her help this was surely not on my mind. I knew it would be trouble to have her so close, but I wanted her near me. when I walked out of the hospital after a stressful day and a complicated surgery the site of her filled me with a strange type of calmness that I haven felt in a long time. I wanted that more and look where my selfishness has brought me.

My phone rinds just as I am about to head to the shower. Its dad, not the person I would want to talk to right now. Don't get me wrong he is my hero a person who made me what I am today. Without him I would have still been the little garbage that I was back then. He gave me my purpose a life that's more than I deserve. I just don't want him to see me like this. So, I let it ring and then go to voice mail and continue.

The message he leaves behind tells me he called to remind me of the family lunch scheduled the day after. Hope I can get my head straight by then. I review some of the charts go through patient files until I am ready to pass out of exhaustion but the minute my head hits the pillow its Eve's eyes that flash.


"Good afternoon" I greet as I walk into the garden where our lunch is been served.

Mom, dad, Emma and her boyfriend who also happens to be my best friend Isaac are all seated. Mom gets up and pulls me into her warm hug.

"Good to see you Noah"

"You to mom" I kiss her cheeks

"Long-time no see man" Isaac says as we do our usual fist bump

My dad nods and Emma makes her infamous irritating sound as I mess her hair up.

"Heard everything went well at New York. you're making us proud son"

"Thanks dad"

"So, this surgery that you'll be performing_"

"Ryan" my mom calls out on my dad "no talking about work while eating please"

I mouth him "we'll talk later"

"Noah, you're going to be in town next to next week right" my sis asks

"Yes, why?"

"I knew you would forget"

I look at her with questioning eyes

"Man, it's her graduation she is finally going to be a doctor. Leaving me as the odd one out" Isaac chukers.

"Off cores I do, how can I forget my baby sister's graduation?"

"It's Friday afternoon put it down in your schedule"

I take out my phone and add it to my calendar

"Noah where were you Friday night?"

"Working, dad. by the time I got your message it was late" I lie it's so difficult to lie to my dad he holds my gaze for a moment and then I look away.

Thankfully he did not press. The rest of the lunch goes smoothly. I spend some time with my family then Isaac and I decide to hit the club. I need something else to occupy my head and he could just be the distraction I need. As we were about to leave. Dad asks me to follow him to the study.

Some serious shit is about to happen it's never good when dad calls me in to his study.

"Sit" he says and takes a seat across

"Noah now tell me what going on"

"Nothing much just the normal" his eyes tell me that he does not believe what i am saying.

"Trust me dad everything is fine"

"Noah, if you don't want to tell me something then its fine but don't insult me by lying"

He always understands

"You never not pick up my call or if u don't you call me back no matter the time. And look at you, you look like you haven't slept for days. Son, I know you are a grown man now. But you are going to be my little boy always and I will always looking out for you. I don't want_"

"I am not in trouble dad"

He smiles at me "I just want you to know you can talk to me"

"I know dad, thanks"

As I stand up to exit the room. My eyes catch the old quote hanging on the wall

"follow the rules. Because sometimes that's the only safety which we have!"

True to every word. With the words still in my mind like they have always been I return to Isaac.

"We can go now"

"So, what's wrong" Isaac asks.

"Why does everyone think something is wrong?

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You'll surely find the answers and if that's not enough the fact that you willing agreed on coming and spending time with boys... kind of give you away"

Isaac and I have been friends from high school he has seen some of my hardest times and our bond just grew stronger with time and his ability to read me annoys me but he's lucky I love him to keep him around no matter how annoying.

He know that being a doctor gives me very little social life and the little time I get I like to spend it with myself. But little does he know that times like this which are very rare I need something to distract me from the thing that take hold of my mind against my will. It's usually the daemons from my past but today it's the angel that I want to get away from.

"Will you shut up before I change my mind?"

His actions locking his lips and throwing the key out of the window as I drive...

"What are you a child?"

"A very grown up one. However, you know you can talk to me about whoever you want to get out of your mind"

"No one is not on my and there is nothing to talk about her" i immediately regret telling that.

"Her..." Isaac drags

"Isaac shut the f up before I throw you out of my god damn car" I warn

Putting his hands up in surrender he continues.
"But just know its okay to act like human"

"And have distractions no thank you"

Eve is a distraction from afar, hell will fall apart if I allow her into my life that aside I know I am not the right one for her. She deserves better much better.

We enter the club the loud music hits my ears something I would be annoyed of but today it's just the right thing...

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