"I don't care. After all, the truth will come out sooner or later. The more rumors spread, the more attention they would get when they were exposed. At that time, whoever makes trouble will be unlucky! "

Mrs.Huo sighed helplessly. "That's true, but there are not so many truths in the world? Someone has been wronged for a lifetime and can't wait for the truth. "

"Don't worry. I'm lucky. I'll be fine soon."Huo Wei smiled at her and pointed at the cart outside the door. "Godmother, look, I've bought a lot of things. We're happy and don't want those troubles. I'll ask Shaoyao to cook something delicious later. "

Looking at all the things that had been moved in, Mrs.Huo covered her chest and asked in surprise, "How much does it cost?"She grabbed her wrist and said, "Good girl. I know you are nice to me. But don't waste money like this. We still have a long way to go."

"Godmother, don't worry. I have a way to earn money."She whispered in Mrs.Huo's ear and pulled her to watch one thing.

Although Mrs.Huo was still worried, she didn't want to talk about it anymore. After all, she grew up in a rich family. Everything was good. Mrs.Huo felt lucky to have such a good goddaughter in her life. She couldn't understand why the Lus abandoned her? They had raised her for sixteen years!

If only she had met her sixteen years ago in the Li village. She would love this child from the bottom of her heart.

Of course, the Lus wouldn't think so. In their eyes, only interests mattered. It was ridiculous to talk about family affection. Just like now, the Lu family members were having dinner at the same table. When Mrs.Feng knew that Huo Wei had Independent Female Household, she sighed, "Fortunately, she was sent away. It turns out that she is not a member of the Lis at all."

Mrs.Feng shook her head and sighed, "Maybe she was abandoned because of her fate."

"Maybe she was born to kill her family and was thrown out."Mrs.Chen snorted. She felt uncomfortable at the thought of being called mother by such a bastard for more than ten years. "Fortunately, she has a clear estimation of herself. When she left, she said that she would never come back, and left all her things behind, breaking up with us. Otherwise, if we really ask us to send her some more things, others will think that our Lus still remembers her. That's really hard to explain. "

Mrs.Feng frowned and said, "But it's not good for the reputation of the Lus. You can take Jingyun out more often in the future, ask Marquis to hold a banquet and praise him more. I'll also ask people to know who is the daughter of our family. She has done her utmost to be kind to her and doesn't owe her anything. "

"Don't mention her anymore. Forget her completely, in case anything happens again."

What Lu Yuan cared about was not Huo Wei, but the third prince. He asked worriedly, "Father, does the third prince blame you? Did he get hurt badly when he fell off the horse? "

"It's not heavy, but the third prince didn't treat me well."Lu Yuan was angry, "Why didn't you find that she was so unlucky before? There was nothing wrong with Qingze before. Why did something happen to both the Liao's and the third prince? "

Mrs.Feng believed in Buddhism and that could explain everything. She said casually, "Even if there are devils, there are big devils and small devils. The bigger the devils are, the more powerful they are. She used to be young, so she didn't show it. Now it's almost sixteen or seventeen. Isn't everything obvious?"

Mrs. Feng clapped her hands and said, "Don't mention this person in the future. Anyone who gossips in private will be driven out directly."

"Yes, I'll tell them later."Mrs.Chen agreed happily. She blamed everything that she couldn't have another baby for so many years on Huo Wei, so she didn't want to hear anything about her anymore.

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