2-Supplies and Suprise

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They froze upon hearing the agonized cries from Lightbulb- well, half of Lightbulb.

They froze upon hearing the agonized cries from Lightbulb- well, half of Lightbulb

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They were shocked. How had this happened? Did THEY do this to Lightbulb..? No.. Impossible.
They would never!-

Just then,
somebody knocked at the door.

Paintbrush froze, realizing the situation they were currently in.

Lightbulb was dead by their hands alone, and somebody was about to find out.

"Paintbrush? You done in there? You're usually back to your room by now"

Balloon called from behind the art room door.

'Shit..!' Paintbrush clutched Lightbulbs top half in their bloodied hands.
They had to hide this.

"Yeah, Balloon.. I'm just a bit tired, I'll be here for longer than usual!"

The Artist barely kept their composure.

They heard a soft hum as Balloon trailed off down the hallway.

They raced to stash the body far into the closet. It had to be hidden well. No excuses.

Paintbrush began to silently sob as they placed the last few pieces of glass into the far end of the closet.

They were a monster.
They had KILLED their best friend.

The Brush slowly made their way to the only sink in the art room.
They washed the blood of dear Lightbulb off of their hands.

This was too much for one day. They needed to rest.

As they reached their combined room,
Test tube opened the door upon hearing footsteps.

"Ah, Paintbrush! Welcome back."

She smiled warmly,
it was almost irritating.

Lightbulb had DIED and she doesn't even know.
Nobody knows.

Paintbrush clung on to her as They sobbed uncontrollably..

She was shocked.
She had never seen Paintbrush act this way before..

Test tube closed and locked the door as she led Paintbrush to sit down on the bed.

"What's wrong, Paintbrush?"

It wasn't the same.
Lightbulb was different.
Lightbulb cared SO.. MUCH..

Paintbrush began choking out words between sobs.

The only one Test tube could understand through the crying was


"Lightbulb? What about her?"

Test tube lifted the Artist's head softly in her hands.


Paintbrush croaked

"I can't find her anywhere.. "


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.-.. .. .- .-.

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