Secretary Qin found two fashion magazines and sent them into the reception room together with the coffee, and smiled politely: "Does Miss Huo need anything else?"

Huo Wei crossed her legs and leaned on the sofa relaxedly, fiddled with her hair, reached out, and gestured towards the sofa on the opposite, "sit down, Secretary Qin. I have something to tell you. I will delay you for a few minutes."

Secretary Qin was a little surprised and didn't understand what there is to talk about between them, but she sat down opposite her, ready to listen with slight curiosity.

The reception room was some distance away from Zhao Sijia's workstation, but one can see the other. Huo Wei glanced at Zhao Sijia outside, and then looked at Secretary Qin, "Before I had a quarrel with Huo Ming and Zhao Sijia, and my father promised to compensate me, so I asked to have Zhao Sijia transferred and become father's assistant."

After hearing her mention Zhao Sijia, Secretary Qin focus like she was dealing with customers, so as not to be distracted to say things that shouldn't be said, following the footsteps of Wang Jing and Xia Meng. As the first secretary of the chairman, she couldn't be mixed any part with the Huo's family.

However, she was a little surprised. It was Huo Wei's idea for Zhao Sijia to transfer her post instead of the chairman's promotion of Zhao Sijia. Then Zhao Sijia's position in the heart of the chairman was worth considering, perhaps she was not as important as she thought.

Huo Wei apologized: "I heard some rumors in the past two days. It seems that Zhao Sijia's work ability is very poor, implicating her colleagues into punishment. This is something I haven't considered before. Now she is working as my father's assistant, it must have caused you a lot of trouble. I'm very sorry."

"Miss Huo, please don't say that. I mind my own business and there is no trouble." Secretary Qin did not stand on either side and refused to go along with her words.

Huo Wei didn't care, she also showed a relieved expression, as if she really believed her words, and said with a smile: "I'm glad that Secretary Qin doesn't blame me. I'm afraid of causing trouble to Secretary Qin. In fact, with Secretary Qin's ability, even though Zhao Sijia is a newcomer, Secretary Qin will definitely be able to help her out. I hope she can do things steadily in the future, master the basic work skills, and not cause trouble for my father. Otherwise, if she causes you trouble, I will be very sorry. "

Secretary Qin smiled affectionately, and said bureaucratically: "Miss Huo don't worry, we will definitely work hard and earnestly complete the chairman's orders."

Huo Wei nodded, picked up the coffee, and gently stirred, "Then I am relieved, I'm sorry to have delayed Secretary Qin's time. I hope it doesn't affect your work."

"No. Then I'll go back to work, call me if Miss Huo needs anything." Secretary Qin stood up, greeted Huo Wei, went out, and closed the glass door. From beginning to end, she is a perfect secretary, without any improper words and deeds.

But she was actually a little puzzled in her head. Huo Wei called her to apologize? Huo Wei doesn't actually need to apologize to her, right?

Secretary Qin returned to the workstation with doubts. Zhao Sijia pretended to take something and looked in the reception room. She saw Huo Wei leisurely drinking coffee. She didn't know what brand of clothes she was wearing, they matched her very well. She is beautiful and exquisite, and it can be seen at a glance that she is a young heiress, the kind who has never been wronged was spoiled since birth.

Compared with herself, organizing files from morning to night, with a dizzy head and an aching back, Huo Wei is the happier one.

The recent series of events made Zhao Sijia less confident than before. How many times she had developed an unstoppable sense of superiority in front of Huo Wei. Although she knew that was wrong, she just couldn't control it. Huo Ting Wei and Huo Ming both liked her more. She was from a bad background. The first time she saw Huo Wei, she looked up to her. But the love of the Huo's father and son made her feel superior than Huo Wei.

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