♪ Chapter 7 ♪

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Tommy POV

As we were walking, I think he was looking for a place to take me on our date. I'm not sure he planned that far ahead though. So, we'd just been walking down the sidewalk of stupid New York.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked him.

He'd just finished his sandwich and tossed it in a near by trash can, "You'll have to wait and see."

I rolled my eyes, "If you don't have anything planned let's just head back."

"Uh- Who said I had nothing planned?" He scoffed.

I stopped walking and crossed my arms, "Seriously?" He stopped and turned to me. I sighed, "It's been fifteen minutes since we left that deli- and we haven't done anything. If you didn't have a date planned, then why'd you ask me out?"

He smirked, "Date?"

I furrowed my brows, "Yeah? Is that not what this is."

"I wasn't sure." He shrugged, "You sorta just asked me to ask you to hang out. So, I did."

"Hang out?" I dropped my arms and frowned, "We're...hanging out?"

He awkwardly laughed, "Well, I dunno. Did you mean, ask you out on a date?"

I wanted to say yes....,but I was too afraid he would reject the idea or think I was stupid for thinking this was a date.

"No. No, I just wanted to ask you something in person. Which is why I- I wanted to- hang out." I gulped.

He nodded, "Cool. So, we can head back since I had nothing planned." I frickin knew it! "And, what's the question?"

I shook off my anger and sadness, "Uhm, just- are you any good at guitar?"

He nodded, "I'd say so."

"Would you be intrested in joining me and my brothers band? We could use a guitarist." I mumbled not so enthusiastic.

He gasped, "What?! Totally! I'd love to- how often do you guys practice and play gigs?"

"Uhm, we play around two gigs every month- it is tough in New York. But, we practice three times a week. It just depends work schedules." I answered.

"Well I'd love to join...Especially cause I'd get to see you more often." He nudged my shoulder with his own.

I blushed lightly, "Yeah....Cool, I'll let my brother know."

"Something wrong blondie? I feel like the atmosphere got...gloomy?" He asked.

I smiled up at him, "No. I'm fine, thanks."

He nodded, "Okay, well gimme your hand. We're crossi-"

"This isn't a date, and I'm not a child. So, I can cross the street perfectly fine." I muttered then looking down at my feet as I began crossing.

I heard a loud honk. I looked over to see a fast car. I was pulled back by the taller, and held agaisnt his chest as the car speeded by, "Look where you're going. You okay?"

I looked up and nodded. He let me go and I pulled away, "That was just a big coincidence..."

"Right." He chuckled.

As we crossed he put his hand on my back holding me. Then he let go as we reached the side walk.

"So, are we just gonna go back to the record shop and part ways?" I asked uncertain of what we were even doing at this point.

"Well, the Guitar Center is where you're supposed to be, and it's closer. So I'll walk you there." He suggested.

"Actually, you can just head home then. The Guitar Center is close, so go on." I said walking a little faster.

He kept up, "Well, it's on my way- Plus, it gives us more time to talk and be toge-"

"Why do you keep flirting with me?" I stopped and asked.

He blushed, "Uh- I-...You- I mean- well..." He looked away embarrassed. Putting a hand to his neck, he mumbled, "You're cute, what do you want me to say?"

I flushed pink, "Th- Thankyou." I shook it off then continued, "This isn't a date though, so quit it."

He rested his hands at his sides, "You don't like it?"

I looked away, "I-....Well I don't not like it." I kept walking, "Just stop."

He nodded and walked with me. As we met the final crosswalk, I stoped. Waiting for him to ask for my hand or anything, but he just kept walking. I blushed embarrassed and then caught up.

We made it to the front of the Guitar Center and he sighed, "It was cool...hanging out."

I frowned, "Yeah sure."

He opened his mouth to speak then closed it. He shook his head then began walking off. I put my face in my hands, Why can't he just take initiative and ask me out?! Why do I have to drop hints for him to make moves? Ugh, I just want a guy who can make things happen and not wait around for it to.

I lifted my head up and walked as he kept walking. Then I saw him stop. People walking back and forth, he stopped in the middle of the side walk.

I furrowed my brows, I wonder what he's doing...

He turned around and met my eyes. I immediately looked away. He smiled and began walking back over.

Holy shit, holy shit- what's happening? What's he gonna-

"Tommy?" He asked.

I looked up star struck, for he never really says my name. I gulped, "R- Ranboo?"

"I messed up." He sighed.

I smiled a little, "How so?"

"Can I get your brothers number? I forgot to ask. Oh and do you know when the next practice will be?" He smiled.

I scoffed, "What."

"...Something wrong?" He tilted his head a little to the side.

I swear I always have to be the one to take fucking charge-

"I didn't want to hang out! I wanted to go on a date! I do like your flirting! And I wanna keep seeing you! But I'm a stupid bottom, and need you to take the reins!"

He laughed, a light pink tint upon his cheeks. I scoffed, "Laughing? C'mon Ranboo- You're wasting my time. There are other guys I can be talking to, and yet I just spent my morning doing nothing!"

Irritated, I walked away into the Guitar Center. My arm was grabbed though, "Will you go on a date with me, Tommy? Tomorrow, same time and everything. This time I'll have a plan."

I turned back around and sighed, "Ra-"

"One more chance! Please, Tommy? Please?" He sorta begged, it was really cute. It's like he was scrambling, "I- I think you're really cute a- and you intrigue me. Just- please give me another chance."

I giggled, "You're cute."

He flushed embarrassed, but gulped, "Wh- What does that mean? Is that a yes or- or- or a...a no?"

I kinda liked that he was crumbling. I think I'd take it just a few steps further before I said yes, "There are other guys, sorry."

"No! Don't talk to other guys- I wanna be the guy! Just- give me another shot? I wont disappoint you." He held my hand.

I let go of his hand and sighed as I walked into the Guitar Center. He followed and spun me around, "Tommy, please?"

"Why should I go on a date with you?" I crossed my arms.

He gulped then ran over to a microphone. He plugged it into an amp and turned it up. My eyes widened, "No! Okay, okay- I'll-"

1,239 words
I'm sorry, everyone moves on at some point. When I feel like it, I'll upload. I was really happy today, so...yeah. Hope you're all doing well, I'm not sure if a lot of people read my stuff still. Oh well, later <3

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