♪ Chapter 3 ♪

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Ranboo POV

Every day now, I'd been spending my time at the Guitar Center. There's this really cool guitar that I've been wanting to buy- It's a black and white Fender guitar, and it's supposed to ship in sometime this week. So I've been going every day around shipment times to try and get it.

Though today was no luck. And so I left the Guitar Center and made my way back home. I lived pretty close by.

In a nice apartment with my little brother, Tubbo. I work a lot, so I don't spend much time with him, but we're still rather close.

Before I went home though, I'd been going to the record shop. And so I quickly went by and peeked in. I looked and didn't see what I was looking for. I didn't even stop to see Phil because honestly, my reason was just embarrassing. I was-....it doesn't matter.

He wa- Er- The thing- that I was- uh- looking for- wasn't there, and so I just decided I'd go home to change, then head to work before I was late.

♪ Time Skip ♪

I arrived at the apartment complex and walked in. I went inside and then took the elevator up to the third floor, because I really didn't feel like walking up so many flights of stairs.

Walking down the hall, I could hear the next door neighbors. The sounds of people talking, some yelling, the static TVs, and sometimes the noisy pets.

But as I unlocked the front door and walked inside, closing the door behind me, the noises were drowned out. Now it was just me in the cozy old apartment that I share with my brother.

I set the keys down on the counter then slipped off my shoes and kicked them to the floor. I walked down the hall, made a left into my room, and closed the door behind me. I sat down onto my bed and took a sigh, "It's really too bad..."

What was too bad? Well, it's hard to explain. Honestly, I wasn't sure why I was so nervous to enter that record shop just now.

But I guess I wasn't really looking for records or anything music related. It's just that, ever since about a week ago when I talked to that silly blonde boy- I mean, there was something about him that was- Well, how do I put this into words?- just so interesting. For once, I wasn't so totally appalled by the idea of a ballad, and for once, I admittedly enjoyed listening to the song over, and over, and over again.

I guess I was really just looking for that blonde boy and not any records or albums. And it's weird cause, he's so different from me- In fact, his description is that of one I would not find myself getting along well with. Yet I find myself wanting to know every detail about him.

I shook it off and then got back up. I walked over to my closet, opened it and took out clothes to get dressed for work. Something to help me look at least presentable.

After I had got dressed and stalled a little bit of time before work, I finally left my room and went out back to the living area to grab my keys before leaving. Now I left out the door, closing the door behind me, and then walking off towards my work.

Sure, my biggest interest was in music and guitars. However, I found myself working a part-time job at a nearby restaurant. It was fancy, pretty expensive, and obviously a 'rich people' place.

I worked here only because the job description wasn't as complicated or difficult as most jobs. Plus, it does pay well for just being a waiter. Not to mention, I do get to meet a lot of good looking people while on the job. But that's only a plus, no one I'd actually consider dating.

I have this job to help pay for bills, taxes, and help provide for my brother and I. Living in a big city can be- well, not easy. We don't always have certain luxuries that other people may have. For example, getting to eat out at fancy restaurants, buying new shiny things so often, having comfy or cushiony transportation, and living in a nice place.

Of course, that's fine though. It's just that no matter how much you have, it always seems like there could be more? That maybe I could have more? I don't know, this may be stupid- but, I think there is something better or something- good, waiting for me.

There has to be.

I went around the back of the building and entered into the kitchen. I clocked in and then took the note pad and pen. I hurried out the kitchen doors into the main room where people were sat. There were a lot of tables which hadn't been assisted. I hurried over to the one that'd been waiting the longest. It was a nice old couple.

"Good evening. Sorry to have you wait so long. What can I get you to drink, ma'am?" I asked, looking to the lady.

"Oh, you're so sweet." She smiled, "I'll take a water."

"One water for the beautiful misses, and what shall I get for the handsome gent?" I asked, now looking to the man.

"A lemonade, and water too." He smiled.

"Of course. I'll be back with drinks and ready to take your order!" I said enthusiastically.

They smiled, and I walked off to get their drinks. As I was doing so, my boss walked up to me, seeming frustrated.

"Ranboo! Thank god! We have an important man coming in for dinner with some family. You have the best reviews and highest tip rate, so please- Focus on that table when they get here." He told me clearly stressed.

I nodded, "Right- and how important is this guy, exactly?"

"You mess it up- you're fired." He said.

My eyes widened, "You can count on me!"

"Good, he could be an investor. So be careful." He said, staring me down and then walking away.

I shook it off and walked back to the old couple, "How's my favorite table?- I've got your two waters and fresh lemonade." I set the drinks down for them then asked, "Now what can I get you?- You must be hungry."

I took their orders and then walked back over and handed in the note to the chefs. They began preparing the food while I was going to head over to another table.

"Ranboo! They're here- Now go work your waiter magic!" My boss shoved me.

I stumbled a little, then stood up straight. I composed myself and then walked over to the table. Three guys, probably brothers.

"Hey there, welcome. Happy to have you, now what refreshments can I get you gentleman to drink?" I asked, looking to the man who was clearly the most important.

Long braided pink hair in a suit with a cold demeanor, "Pink lemonade. Not too sour not too sweet."

"Not too sour, not too sweet- you got it, boss! Now whatta bout you, sir?" I looked to the other beside him.

Fluffy brown hair, circular glasses- Your typical soft boy. Definitely got a lotta girls, "Uh- a water and a sprite?"

I nodded, "One water and a sprite for the ladies, man."

He chuckled at my comment, and then I asked, writing down the drinks, "And how about you, youngin?"

"A coke." I heard the boy say softly.

I wrote it down then looked up, "A classic Coke, for the-" It was him, the blonde ballad boy, "...classicly stunning blonde with beautiful baby blue eyes."

He blushed lightly and smiled, "Uh- wow, thankyou."

I nodded, blushing brightly, then cleared my throat, "Uhm, I- I'll be back with the drinks. Thanks for being patient..."

The blonde waved, holding back a laugh, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. I walked away before I got too pink, going to get their drinks.

1,352 words
Thanks for reading.
I know I missed 2 weeks, though- so I'm gonna try and stay consistent with it weekly. Alrighty, later! <3

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