♪ Chapter 1 ♪

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Ranboo POV

I stood in the rock aisle browsing some albums in the old record shop. I usually came here in my free time to browse, or just listen to the records. I rarely buy them, and when I do- They have to be really good. Cause I don't have a lot of money to be spending. With a dream like mine, it's hard to make a living.

I play guitar- The electric guitar, to be more specific. Now sure- I can play the acoustic to some degree, however the acoustic guitar is more of a slow lovey dovey sorta vibe. And that's just not me.

I prefer something more- tough. Like rock or even metal. It needs to have a certain edge to it- And it absoloutely can not be about the icky love stuff.

Today there were a couple good ones. But this morning, it seemed something else kept on catching my eye.

Rather than the cool album covers- or something music related at all...This one person in the record shop just- I dunno! Peeked my intrest?!

It was weird, but I sorta knew why. I mean c'mon he's a pretty good looking blonde with a Guns N Roses record in his hands! Everyone knows Guns N Roses are great!

I can't imagine what other bands the boy likes! He must be into rock like I am! Oh my gosh, who knows?! Maybe he plays drums or-....even the guitar like me?!

I just had to walk up and meet him.

As I began walking over, the boy wandered over to an aisle I never stepped foot in. Pop and R&B music...

Okay, that music wasn't bad. It just wasn't really my sorta vibe. And as long as he likes rock more and doesn't listen to ballads- He's cool.

I shook it off and walked over. Then I saw him going through the ballad records. Welp- Now I just have to let him know he's totally lame like his music taste.

"Guns N Roses. The album, Appetite for Destruction. A very popular album- especially its cover image. But did you know that wasn't always the cover?" I said approaching the young blond.

Tommy POV

Some really tall guy walked up to me and ranted about the album I was picking up for my brother. I wasn't sure what he was talking about though.

I don't actually listen to the uh- rock or heavy metal genre. Its just not my sorta vibe? I can't understand people when they scream at the top of their lungs or play silly riffs on their instruments.

I'm more into pop and slow songs. Especially ballads about love. I absoloutely love- the idea of love. To be inlove is like my ultimate goal. I just need to find the right gu- person.

I play the piano, and I can also play the keyboard. I play the piano in my own time, to play all the songs I like. I play the keyboard whenever I'm on stage with my brothers and the band. We have our own band! It's sorta our dream, but there are still certain parts we need to find to fit our band and complete it.

Ranboo POV

He shook his head still looking through albums, "No idea what you're talking about."

"...The record....In your hand? It's Guns N Roses. A heavy metal band...That one specifically came out in 1987." I said slightly confused he didn't know what I was talking about.

"Oh, did it? Cool- didn't know." He muttered seeming uninterested in what I had to say.

"Do you even like them?" I asked slightly ticked off.

He shook his head again, "Nope. Picking it up for my metal head brother. Personally I find this album much more- well, just all around better."

Woah....I didn't notice till he said a full sentence- He's British! And he sounds absoloutely adorable...

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