18. Mudbloods and Murmurs

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A few days had gone by with Harry dodging Lockhart whenever he could. One of these occasions had led him to run into Wood the captain of the Quidditch team. Wood however looked to be annoyed as he paced up and down.

"What's wrong Wood?" Harry asked him.

"It's Alicia Spinnet... she's quit the team." Wood told him annoyed.

"She's what?" Harry asked surprised.

"Said she had others commitments to worry about, as if there is anything more important than Quidditch...This is just what we need before our first training starts, to be looking for a new chaser." Wood rambled.

It was then that Harry remembered the conversation from the burrow a few weeks ago. "Uhh Wood. I might know of someone who could try out at least."

"You do?" Wood said immediately seizing Harry's arms excitedly. "Who?"

"My friend Y/n. We played Quidditch together over the summer with the Weasley's. Fred and George  said he should try out for the team."

"Fred and George?" Wood said surprised. "Well they are beaters, but I can't imagine they would suggest something like that if it would hurt the team even if they do joke around in practice sometimes." Wood said as he seemed to be in thought for a moment. "Alright, can you get your friend to come down to the Quidditch pitch in an hour?"

"I can try." Harry said with an unsure shrug.

"See you in an hour then Harry." Wood said as he rushed off to make some arrangements.

Harry himself rushed back to the common room where to his luck he found Y/n sat down in an arm chair reading.

"Y/n I need you to come with me." Harry blurted out.

"Why, has something happened?" Y/n asked him slightly worried as he closed his book.

"No, I might have just gotten you a place on the Quidditch team though." Harry told him now and it got the attention of Ron and Hermione.

"No way..." Ron said envious.

"But Harry... I have never played Quidditch for a team before..." Y/n started.

"Neither had I before I joined." Harry cut him off.

"But I do not have a broom..." Y/n continued.

"You can borrow mine for today I won't need it. Then if you make the team you can order one." Harry counter-jected.

"I do not know..." Y/n said still unsure.

"Oh go on on mate." Ron said now grabbing Y/n's shoulder. "You'll get on the team for sure. Even George and Fred think you're decent enough, they've never praised me for me quidditch skills... and they're my brothers." He added a little bitterly.

"I think you should at least try, otherwise you might regret not doing so later." Hermione pointed out now.

Y/n tried to think of another reason but he sighed unable to think of one. "Alright, alright...I will give it a go. But if I am bad at it then it never gets brought up again okay?" He said.

"Excellent." Harry grinned.

Y/n and Harry were walking down to the Quidditch pitch now as they could see Wood, Fred and George waiting with two other students.

"Harry good you've brought him." Wood called out as he spotted them but Wood seemed to size Y/n up now. "Hmm a bit small, looks like you could knock him off his broom easily." He said cautiously. "But that's what these tryouts are for. To find the best for the team. I'm sure you've watched us play before but we'll introduce ourselves none the less. You know Harry who's our seeker. I'm Oliver Wood Captain and Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team." He said proudly.

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