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They want my help but they want to do it there way and I can't just can't do that.
"We will like your answer now will you help us find her or not."
"I will but I will only do it if we use my way to find her."
"We can not let that happen your way is to unorthodox and we will get in a lot of trouble if we let you do that."
"I can't do that what I an doing is helping her we can find her faster if we do that."
Ever one wanted my help but I could not do it my way the way that will work. The police are just in my way they are not doing anything that will work to find her. She is my best friend and I need her back now but I can not do this if I have to do it the legal way. Even Jack is in with me not to tack the dell with the cops. Even he thinks that way the good way is not going to find her. The best thing to do it get out of here with all this cops around I can't do anything. Maybe if I show them what I can do with a computer they will let me do it my way.
My boyfriend came by and we just talked for like 3 hours. We have not really together since she has been missing. All I can think about it her I have no time to be with him not with her gone. All I can do is look for her. Well it's all I want to do ones I know she is safe and back home I know I will be able to sleep and be with my boyfriend again. But only than will I be able to live my life.
He cops keep asking for a answer if I will help them find her.
I want to find her I do but this is going to be hard working with them in he people that can put me away and will after we find her.
The question is will I say yes.

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