"Ah!" I turned to my back and covered my eyes with my hands, the lingering warm memory of yesterday's dream stung my heart. "I wish this all was a dream," I whispered as I bit my lips to stop any sound escape from my lips. 

"Wakey wakey!" A cheerful voice announced their presence. 

I didn't even have the strength to look up and acknowledge her presence, the young girl that I met yesterday, Yulia. 

"Hey come on, where's my good morning?" She complained as she moved the curtains apart, letting the morning light enter the room, stinging my red puffy eyes, "and it's such a nice morning!" I heard her sigh. 

"I know you're up, come on," I heard her footsteps near me and in the next moment, my comforter was yanked away from me, "Hello! good morning, I said," She shoved her face right in front of mine, "oh my god," She gasped as she saw my face. 

I covered her eyes, "yes, I heard you loud and clear," I responded. 

"What the hell have you done to your pretty face?" She asked catching hold of my wrist. 

"then don't look at me," I said turning my face away. 

"Uh-huh," She shook her head, " And you need to get up, Mikhail's bride!" I felt offended. 

"I have a name," I retorted. 

"I don't know your name." She said in her defense.

"It's Amethyst," I told her. 

 "Nice name, now get up!" She hit my arm. 

"Can't you just let me be?" I asked. 

"Nuh-uh," She shook her head, "I was like you about a year ago, but here I am aren't I? Don't stay in bed making faces as if the world has ended already, I mean look at you, I won't forgive you for ruining your pretty face." She said with a humph. 

I was reminded again of my scars, of her scars.

Tears pooled in my eyes again.  

 She tried to pull me up again but fell back on me instead. "Oh you're heavy," She complained, trying to pull me up again. 

"That's cause you're just a kid," I ruffled her hair, "Aren't you up too early? Why don't you join me ?" I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back, my heart had torn into pieces, she had to face all that at such a young age, I was reminded of the details I read in those newspapers. 

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked. 

I didn't even realize but I was sobbing out loud. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I hugged her tightly. 

"Hey," She tried to pull back but I pulled her closer.

After what felt like hours, I sat on the bed wiping my tears away as she passed me the tissues. 

"Better?" She asked.

"yeah, thank you," I nodded, giving her a small smile.

She then held my hand, "thank you for crying for me," She smiled at me softly.

"I'm sor-"

She gave my hand a gentle squeeze as she shook her head, "Why are you sorry? The guys who should be sorry are already 6 feet under, aren't they?" She laughed, "Mikhail says that kind people cry for us who are unable to cry, 'cause they can feel our pain right here," She pointed at my chest, "That's why we should be kinder to them." 

"So I'm showing my kindness through this..." She pointed at the breakfast on the table at the bedside, "You'll accept it, won't you?" She smiled sheepishly.

"You sure know how to talk," I laughed. 

"Those weren't my words," She shook her head, "Mikhail said these words when the doctor cried when he was treating my wounds." 

"The doctor did?" 

"yes, I mean he must've treated thousands of injured ones, but he cried and apologized over and over and Mikhail was teasing him like anything." A soft smile spread on her face, shaking her head, she looked at me, "Anyway, here's your food and you're to finish this entire thing, or else you'll break my heart," She placed her hand on her chest dramatically. 

"The heart's on the left side, by the way," I laughed.

 "Ah, my bad," She changed the position of her hand immediately.

"Anyway, Amet... sorry what was it again?" She cocked her head to the side.

"You can call me Am," I told her. 

"Great, Am." She clapped her hands.

"You're the second person who gets to call me that," I muttered as I remembered Chris, he was the only one to call me by that name, "Amethyst," I used to correct him, "Am, it is," he used to annoy me calling that, eventually it became the nickname he gave me. 

"Anyway,": She clapped her hands to get my attention, "you still need to finish that though." 

"That might be a little too much for me, would you like to join me?" I asked.

"Can I?" her eyes sparkled, "I mean I've already had my breakfast but... but I'm at my growing age I should have some more shouldn't I?" She wiggled her brows. 

"Sure, I'd love to share this with you," I smiled. 


Mikhail was in his chair, lost in deep thought. A knock on his door pulled him back to reality. 


Yulia poked her head inside, "Can I come in?" She asked. 

"No," he replied curtly.

"Stingy, you never let anyone here!" She pouted sulkily, "Anyway, I was here to tell you, Am ate her breakfast, she even agreed to walk with me in the evening." 

"Am?" He raised his brows at her. 

"Oh her name is so difficult to pronounce so she told me to call her that." She replied.

"Interesting." He let out an amused smile.

"Why?" She was puzzled. 

"Nothing," He dismissed her. 

"By the way, Mikhail," She called him, "I like your bride," She confessed, "She's nice," She smiled as she touched her head, smiling remembering her ruffling her hair, "She reminds me of Ch-" 

"That's enough." Mikhail raised his voice at her, startling her, "That name is not to be mentioned, weren't my instructions clear?" He glared at her. 

"Sorry," She muttered lowering her eyes. 

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