Chapter 3

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"I don't care about how much you'll lose.Clear everything you have if you don't want me to shut your company down.With a snap of my fingers I can snatch away everything you've worked hard for!!!!",Why was there so much anger in his voice.

Her head was aching.Her eyes caught Kerod's own and she gulped.She turned to her side to see a glass of water and pain killers.
Grabbing it,she took two pills quickly gulping it down with a glass of water.She placed the glass down and fiddled with the bedspread.
He changed her into his shirt,she noticed.
She could feel his stares burning the side of her head.

"What the fuck were you thinking?Huh tell me what got into you!!",she flinched raising her head to look at him.

She still couldn't remember anything from last night.Her mind was foggy.
"What did I do?",she muttered innocently.
Meanwhile she was far from innocent.

He threw his phone on the bed and she grabbed it.Her eyes flashed with recognition and her brain immediate released all memories clearing every thing.

She didn't kiss the guy.But their lips were sealed in this picture.

"You asked someone to stalk me?",she asked.He ran his fingers through his hair.
"I wish I did",he grabbed his car keys.Her fingers latched onto his wrist.

She knew she had hurt him.She wouldn't kiss someone willingly.
"I'm sorry,Ker",he slapped her hands away.
"Sorry for yourself",he said harshly and slammed the door after him.
She stood up from the bed abruptly ignoring the slight head ache and dizziness.
She rushed out.

"Kerod,Kerod,babe don't do this.Lets talk this out.You ...can't do.... this",her voice broke as she heard his car roar.He left her.

She rushed upstairs to grab her phone so she can call him only to realize he left it on the bed.

She checked her notifications.
So many text messages from her mom and her sister.

4 missed calls from Cayden,her twin.

23 missed calls from her best friend.

9 missed calls from her boss.The silly man is just checking to make sure the contract she was able to make Kerod sign won't be affected.

And a few missed calls.

She logged into her IG.

"Is the young heiress cheating???",she frowned.

"Caramel Mirabel Smiley,fiancée of Kerod R Tucson was seen at

She couldn't even finish as everything just vanished.
She searched for her name and didn't find anything about last night.
Then it clicked in her mind.Kerod worked on it.He cleared all the recent messages about them from the net .

Kerod was a great hacker,he owned an IT company full of qualified people with different specialities in the field of IT

He cleared it all.

For her.

She has to make things right.

"I can't risk losing my certificate and companies because of your selfishness",Mr.Addison,a 40 year chubby man said as he slammed his hand on the table.

The man behind the desk chuckled."Calm it ,damn it.The worse he can do is leave Cara.She's mine.I saw her first.",the handsome young man said as he swirled his glass of wine.

"Well I can't do your dirty work for you.He wants to shut my magazine down.Im loosing 3billion dollars just for this stupid stunt.Id rather lose this than risk his anger.I know I owe you but with this it's over.You're on your own now.",he walked out slamming the door after him

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