Chapter 5

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Canada's POV

I woke up and slapped my alarm clock. I hated that thing. But it got me up when it needed to.

I jumped up and ran to the shower. I hoped I wasn't making too much noise. It was really early and I didn't want Gil waking up before he wanted to. Although, I don't think the alarm helped...

I took a quick shower. Quicker than usual. I had a feeling it was the fact that someone was sleeping just down the hall.

I dried off and changed into my usual clothes for the meeting and started for the kitchen.

Hope he likes pancakes.

I grabbed a box of mix and got everything mixed. I started putting the mix on the grittle.

I just finished taking the last pancake off the grittle when I heard footsteps.

I looked behind me to see a yawning Gil, wearing a long sleeve shirt that was too big for him, and his hair all messy. He looked kinda cute like that.

Wait.... am I.... gay?

It's not that I would have a problem with it, it's just that I didn't think Gil was into guys.

"Hey Birdie." He said in a sleepy tone, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Gil. You like pancakes?" Gil's face lit up, and all sleep disappeared from his eyes.

"Ja! I love pancakes!"

"Well good. Cause you'll be eating a lot of them while you're here." I smiled and put two plates of pancakes on the table.

"Birdie, I don't think I'll ever leave!" Gil looked so happy.

I don't mind... I kinda like Gil anyway...

_(:3 」∠)_ _(:3 」∠)_ _(:3 」∠)_
Lol so here's this chappy. Sorry it's so short.
Ps i think #sexypotatoes should be a thing... is it???
Luv u!

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now