Chapter 2

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I was getting settled in my bed to sleep. Then my phone beeped.

A message from Germany?

Canada's POV

I sat up and grabbed my phone. Unlocking it, I noticed several missed calls and messages. All from Germany.

Maybe Italy is hurt and no one is awake?

I opened the first message.

"Canada, please reply soon. Its urgent"

I opened the next.

"Ok im getting impatient"


"Its about brother Prussia"

My eyes widened.

Prussia? Why would Ludwig need MY help with Gilbert?

I started to listen to the voicemails. They all said the same thing. "Canada call back, I need your help with Prussia."

Then there was the message he recently sent me.

"Canada get your fluff butt over here and help me!"

Did he me a.... fluff butt?

I sighed as I rose from my bed. I texted Ludwig back saying I'd be there in a bit.

Some of the other countries were staying in a hotel, due to the recent world meeting. I didn't have to stay anywhere, considering it was close by.

The way Germany made it sound, I guessed that something was wrong.

But I didn't guess what lied before me.

Mwahahahaha sorry for the short chapter, but i wanted another cliff hanger mwahahaha >:3

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