Chapter 17

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Prussia's POV

Birdie was becoming more and more irresistable. He didn't even have to do anything for me to smile. I had a feeling I was going to do something crazy sometime soon. I already did, so I was gonna apologize.

I walked up to Mattie.

"Hey Birdie?"


"Sorry for zhat whole curl zhing yesterday..."

"Uhm... It's okay." He smiled at me and patted my back. "Oh! While you're here, wanna help me give Kuma a bath?" He looked at me with the cutest puppy face. I sighed.

"Ugh du hast mich." He looked at me with the cutest little confused face.


"Haha! I'll help. That's what I said." (No its not, Gilbert -_-) Birdie did a dance of happiness.

"Okay, let's go!" He grabbed Kuma, along with my hand, and led me to where we'd be giving the little snow-devil a bath.

~Time Skip~

"Oh mein gott zhat bear is E.V.I.L.!!!" We just finished giving Kuma a bath, and I was soaked.

"Ohh, no he's not. You're just bad at giving a polar bear a bath." He retorted, pointing to my wet clothing then at his shivering puff ball. We both laughed and exited the bath room.

~Anuder Time Skip~

We were sitting on the couch watching another documentary. It was about a haunted house, and it reminded me of something I loved, oh so much.

"Birdie oh mein gott guess vhat tomorrow is?!" I jumped up off of the couch, scaring Birdie in the process.

"Jesus Christ, Gil, you just aboot gave me a heart attack!" He grabbed the remote and shut the television off. Turning to me, he smiled. "Yeah tomorrow is Halloween. You silly kid."

I jumped around and squeeled. "Yay! HALLOWEEN!!!"

"Okay, seriously Gil. Stop." Birdie gave me a stern look. It was so cute, I leterally thought I was going to die.

"Ugh, vhy are you so cute?" I plopped on the couch again, sitting closer to Birdie than usual.

"Gil, it's not funny to joke like that."

"But I'm not joking!"

◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤ ◥(ฅº₩ºฅ)◤

Okeh thats chapter 17.
And gils probs confessing
And matts like "wut"
And kumas like "just make babies already"
And u all are just like "i agree with kuma"
And im like "i wonder what im gonna do in the next chapter"
Anyway enjoyuyuyu

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz