"You are not going anywhere, bambina," Carina interrupted her thoughts, making Maya frown. "It's dark and cold outside. You think loudly."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Carina shook her head. "Don't be sorry bella. Just, you aren't going back outside. Not like this."

Maya went to protest, but Carina stopped her again. She sighed, knowing she didn't want to argue with the Italian this late at night. She's babysitting you, Maya. She doesn't really want to get to know you. Who would want to anyways? You're a waste of space. You suck at being captain. It would be so much easier if anyone else had gotten the promotion instead of you. Maybe they would respect their captain then.

"You look exhausted Maya," Carina pointed out once they finished their hot chocolate. "You should get some sleep, come on."

I'm following her into her bedroom?

"You can sleep with me, it's OK."

Maya looked down. "Oh no, I couldn't. I'll be OK on the couch, I promise."

"I don't want you on the couch, Maya. I don't bite, come on."

The two had gotten settled in Carina's bed. Maya had looked around the room, smiling at everything she saw. It was a minimalistic bedroom, but she enjoyed the small pieces of artwork hanging on the walls. She had gotten in on the left side, after figuring out that the right side was Carina's. Lying in bed, the thoughts came back. Carina had fallen asleep a few minutes ago yet Maya was awake. But Carina had managed to snake her arm around Maya, surprising the blonde because she felt at peace as she drifted off to sleep.

Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing

I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something

I could take to ease my mind slowly

Just have a drink and you'll feel better

Just take her home and you'll feel better

Keep telling me that it gets better

Does it ever?

The next morning, Maya woke up with the sunrise. Groaning, she quickly readjusted to her surroundings, which were not her own bedroom. The events of the night came rushing back to her and she sighed. You spent the night here because you're avoiding Andy. You stole her job. Everybody hates you.

"Buongiorno bella," Carina greeted as she walked into the room with a cup of coffee and handed it to Maya who mumbled a gracious thank you. "Do you work today?"

Maya shook her head. "Nope. I'm off today, although I was thinking of going in to do some paperwork."

"Do you always do that?"


Carina sighed. "Work on your day off."

"I've never missed work for anything. I take the alloted time for breaks, like when I'm not on shift, but I never take any personal days."

"What about sick days?"

Do I tell her how messed up I am? She doesn't need this baggage dumped on her. Eyes forward. "I don't get sick."

Carina raised an eyebrow. Maya was lying but she didn't want to push the fire captain. She knew firsthand that pushing someone to tell personal information was like asking for a death sentence. "I made breakfast if you want to come downstairs."

"What'd you make?"

"French toast."

The two of them headed into Carina's kitchen, which was full of pasta hanging and cheeses everywhere. Maya could smell the fresh aroma of french toast lingering the air and she inhaled happily, taking a seat at the table. You shouldn't be eating this, Maya. Go get your protein shake. Eyes forward. No, shut up. I am trying this french toast. You can't control me.

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