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POV - Selene Aster

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's GO!"

I sighed to myself as I laid my hand on the horn one last time, drowning out Tori and Becca's obnoxious screaming for Kayla in hopes that she might hurry up.

We were all about to leave campus and embark on our annual 10-hour road trip to get down to Florida for a spring break vacation. My aunt, being the wonderful human being that she was, had let my friends and I rent out one of her condos for two weeks during their spring break for the past two years, ever since they started college.

It has been the annual 'run away from responsibilities and avoid dealing with anything major' trip they take to prevent themselves from gaining brain rot over the years.

In an effort to avoid my own obligations, I went out and bought four new books to read on the beach this year, and sure, I may have needed to stuff them in the bottom of my bag in a valiant effort to avoid reading them all during the drive down, but that doesn't matter. I was ridiculously excited about being able to read something for my own entertainment again rather than another damn textbook.

Between keeping my grades high enough to stay on the Dean's List this year and trying to get ready for applications into law school, I've had approximately zero time to enjoy something I could read.

So, in further hopes to avoid reading my books too early or messing around on social media so much that my phone dies two hours into the trip, I opted to take the first driving shift. That was why I was currently sitting in the driver's seat of the car, all of our things stuffed into the trunk, and currently watching my roommates try and corral Kayla out of the bathroom and into my car.

Two of my roommates, Toriana and Becca, were the first (and only) friends I had bothered to make when I got on campus and moved in. Toriana surprised me at first, which is typically a difficult thing to do. On move-in day, Tori had waltzed into Kayla and I's dorm room and asked if she was my roommate, only to look at Kayla, turn right back around and straight across the hall, into a different door and shrug towards them before closing the door, like I wouldn't think about that interaction four times a day.

There was really only one word to accurately describe Toriana; chaotic. Toriana was a confident and bright girl who just turned 21 a few weeks ago. She was a bit on the shorter side with long brown hair and almost golden hazel eyes that always screamed that she was up to no good, though that could be because Toriana was constantly grinning, like she had just stolen a stop sign and was doing her best to act like she hadn't.

The reason why I think she's chaotic isn't due to the things she does but the situations she gets herself into. Just last week, she had the cops called on her because she was 'gesturing aggressively' in a Five Guys towards an old lady.

Becca, on the other hand, was a tall girl with curly blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She had an aura that seemed suffocating almost, as if she'd harm you if you got too close to her. Because she would. She would harm anyone who got in her way.

The girl was muscular, which just added to the whole 'die if you look at me' thing she had going on and seemed to live at the gym when she wasn't in class. Once I found out that Becca was going to school for PT, things started to make more sense, like the posters of human anatomy that hung over her bed on the ceiling.

That odd thing to see when they first met.

"Kayla! You're finally here!" Tori cheered before wacking her arm, pulling my mind back into the present.

"Now hurry up or Star is gonna leave us all here!"

Ah, yes. And then there was Kayla. I have known Kayla since we went to the same middle school together. The very first time we interacted, Kayla had pestered me on the bus for a solid 20 minutes before I finally caved and spoke with her. And ever since then, we've seemed to be friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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