Can I? (Part 2)

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While your hands moved, you parted from the hug and stared into his eyes. He started getting closer and closer putting your lips together.
While you were making out with him, a cocky smirk formed in his lips.
He created the bubble. Your lips part for a moment, you were concerned about being seen.

"But Steven, what about-" Your words were cut out when he made a little gesture with his hands and made the bubble seen proof.

"Don't worry babe, I got you"- He said cutely.

You just smirked at him. He placed his hand behind your neck, and brought you close.
His kiss was soft at first, but then it started to get stonger and desperate. The two of you separated for a bit to catch a breath.
That's when you took the opportunity to grab him from his shirt and pull him into the sand with you.

"Can I kiss your neck now?"-He asked

"Yes Steven, you can"-You chuckled

He started kissing your neck, and that's when you started making the things he loved. Your back arched just a little, your breath started getting heavy. The difference is that you can be as loud as you can.  Thats when Steven got a little more excited than usual.

"Can I take your shirt off?"-He asked while blushing a little bit.

"Yes Steven, you can."-You said

He took your shirt of, and started to kiss your chest. Your breath started to get heavier, so you asked:

"Steven, can I take your shirt off?"

"Yes, you can"-He answered happily

You took his shirt of and admired his muscles.

"Can I touch you?"-You asked

He took your hand and brought it to his chest. His body felt great. Suddenly, he made a hiss.

"Whats wrong?"-You asked concerned.

"Your hands are cold"

"Omg, im so sorry"-you took your hands of him.

"No no, don't worry about it. Actually it's kind of nice to feel a little coldness in this heat"-He took your hands and put them on his chest again.

You smiled.

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