"What? You're my husband now." Ho-yeon stated.

"Damn right I am." Ha Jun declared as he spun her around before playfully slamming her down onto the bed.

"Ha Jun." Ho-yeon laughed out as Ha Jun pecked all over her face.

"I love you." Ha Jun stated.

"I love you too." Ho-yeon replied.

Ha Jun's smile slowly faded away, which brought concern upon Ho-yeon.

"What's wrong?" Ho-yeon asked.

Ha Jun got off her as he sat down next to her.

"Ho-yeon, do you think it's time we...be more open about our relationship?" Ha Jun asked.

Ho-yeon raised an eyebrow.

"Well...I'm not a sharer but, I guess if you want to I-"

"No! No! Not that kind of open!" Ha Jun cut her off. "I mean...tell our fans about our relationship."

Ho-yeon grew quiet before she spoke.

"I should've known when this question was gonna come." Ho-yeon sighed out. 

"I-it's okay if you want our relationship to remain private, I totally get that." Ha Jun stammered out.

"No Ha Jun...I don't mind at all, but I'm wondering if you're okay with this." Ho-yeon stated. "I remember all the stuff you told about..."

Ha Jun placed an index finger on her lips as he smiled.

"Ho-yeon, in the end...I'm still me and there's nothing anybody can do to change who I am." Ha Jun spoke. "If they can't accept me being a dancer...or me being tied down, then that's on them." Ha Jun continued.

Ho-yeon smiled as she hugged him tight.

"So, how are we gonna do this?" Ho-yeon asked. "Like...do we do a livestream or a video of some sort?"

"Hmmm...we might need to plan this out." Ha Jun replied.

Yn's POV

Never in my life have I ever seen Dong Wook's face in pure shock and fear. I looked at him then at In-na, who was standing there with a smug smile on her face as if she's plotting something devious.

"W-what are you doing here?" Dong Wook asked.

"I thought Si An would be up here since he's always visiting his favorite uncle." In-na replied.

"Well, he's not here, and since when did you care about seeing your nephew?" Dong Wook asked.

"Oh Wookie, you know how much I love Si An." In-na replied.

"Don't call me that." Dong Wook spoke in a stern voice.

In-na looked at me.

"Are you an intern? Do you mind getting me a coffee?" In-na asked condescendingly. 

"Who the fuck does this bitch think she is!?" Jealously exclaimed.

"I don't know, but she better get the fuck out of here." Anger added in.

The nerve of this woman.

"Yn, just go to your work desk." Dong Wook ordered.


Is he serious!?

I didn't say a word and just went to my work cube.

"What the fuck was that?" Joo-ryung whispered.

"I have no fucking clue." I whispered back.

"And why he didn't defend you?" Joo-ryung asked.

"I don't know...maybe it's for some reason." I replied.

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