pt 1

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It was a normal day with father, we all were in secret base on the tree of life or the Yeagerscill tree. I was laying down in my room or the food storage room I was looking at the balls that held the giants souls in then. I was getting hungry so I sat up off my bed and walked into the main room and seen Tyi cooking super which was good so I walked over to brok to see if could fix my bow up a bit but I didn't have all the necessary items for him to fix them.  So I just left the house to see what I can do until super was done I seen the squeal guy, I just walked  to the side of the Yeagerscill tree to were the dragons were I wish I was closer to see what they were saying but I couldn't get close to them without climbing or falling off the tree, so I just sat here looking at them.  I then heard Tyi call us or me for super I ran to the door and pushed it open then walked to the table and sat down I hope we talk about are next moves agent Oden soon. I looked at father and said "what is are next moves agent Oden ". 

Father only grunted and I looked down at my food we still were on bogey relationships after are fight and me diapering from my bed the other night and day so I think I will not be going on the next Venter trip or be able to hear the plan for Oden. Is I finished my food and walked out of the house and sat back were I was before. I felt my eyes close often a few minutes after I sat down. I then opened my eyes in a panic I was glowing so I ran To the house and yelled Whats happening to my my father tried to touch me on the shoulder but his hand was shocked back from me I was so scared  when my hands started to disappear then every thing around me disappeared.....

Kratos pov

My son disappeared rate infrount of me 
I took Mimir off my waste hoping he could explain what happened he then said "I have never seen something like that kind of teleportation on anyone but ether Oden himself or possibly someone else entirely, but Oden can't find us here".

I was worried for my boy  with the sudden teleportation that happened to him and the worry in his eyes as he left was not helping my worry I know he is strong but I don't know where he has gone to so I hope he stays strong. 

Another Universe

Atreus pov

I felt my stomach drop and then I was thrown out of the light then thrown to the ground and my head hit the hard ground knocking me out but that maybe my downfall

Tony shark's pov

I was sitting on the couch we there was a bang on the helicopter pad me and Steve and Natasha sat up quickly well mostly Natasha and Steve I sat up rather slowly but we all made it to the helicopter pad that same time. When we got there there was a small child on the ground he was wearing funny clothes and he had a bow and arrows o  his back, Natasha then picked him up and said "we should see if the kid is alright then contact the others, and see if he is any enemy, we would hate to fight someone after the mess with Loki."

Me and Steve walked with Natasha to the medical room and then she placed the boy on the medical table and she then tool his weapons and gave them to Steve and he went to put them somewhere. 

Atreus's pov

My eyes slowly opened I was expecting to still be on the ground but I was in a room with me on what I think is a bed but a bit to soft for me. I then look around and seen someone else in the room with me how didn't I see her I shot out of then bed and tried to grab for my bow but there was nothing there so they were smart enough to take my weapon, but one I grabbed my knife and got into a more solid fighting stance for a knife fight. Then she  grabbed something that I had know idea what they were then I tried to get close to her then something shot out and hit the ground I jumped backwards into a wall whatever they were it was loud when shot I dropped my knife in order to cover my ears, I looked at her with a harsh glare, then I said "what are those in your hands and why was it so loud".

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