I let out an inaudible sigh and continued to wipe at the counter. Maybe I was overreacting.

"You happen to know what day it is?" Jason's voice spoke up from behind me. I turned back to look at him, confusion clear on my features.

"Uhhh not particularly" I said. It was true. I didn't know the exact date.

Jason nodded, "you might just wanna leave him alone for a bit. Dick gets like this occasionally." I nodded, trying not to show how confused I was but I still wanted to be there for him if something was wrong. It hurt that I wasn't enough to comfort him.

"Right. Thanks Jace." I gave him a small smile and waved as he left the kitchen before I returned to my droopy state. I decided cleaning could wait. For now I was going to make sure nothing was wrong.

I took a deep breath and began to make cookies. It was the only thing I knew that always worked, at least for me. Mom always made the best but I could try and work her magic.

I quickly whipped up a batch, working as quickly as I could and cleaning while it baked. By the time I'd finished the kitchen was completely cleaned. Even the dishes I'd used.

I stared down at the one platter of cookies. Maybe I shouldn't. It might just make him more mad. If I were anyone looking in on my situation, I might've laughed. A two time savior of the world was currently a nervous wreak over if someone was mad at her or not. Truly quite the funny situation if you weren't the one who Dick was mad at.

I took a deep breath and shook it off. I was going to give him these cookies.

I quickly hurried off before my brain could rationalize not going.

Eventually I made it to Dick's room. I took one more deep breath before going to knock on the door. Before my fist could reach the door though it swung open revealing Dick in a black suit. He looked distressed, something about his demeanor was different, more sad and dreary.

Anything I was going to say caught in my throat as our eyes met and I opened my mouth and closed it before anything stupid could come out. I extended the cookies out towards him.

Something about his demeanor changed, darkened even. I had messed up and I knew it in that moment.

"What're you doing?" Unlike usual his voice was cold and held a bit of an edge.

"I just, wanted to make sure everything was okay" I said, trying my best to give him a look that said I wasn't doing this to be malicious.

His gaze darkened once more and his brows lowered as if he were angry.

"I'm fine." This time he did sound angry.

"Alright" I said. I'd seen campers like this, sometimes it was good to put pressure but I didn't know if Dick was that kind of person. "Just-"

"Just what?! I said I'm fine now leave!" He almost yelled and I admit I would've took a step back due to how startling it was.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I did-"

Dick looked like he wanted to yell, to say something so awful I'm not sure he could take it back but he didn't. Instead he spoke up.

"I need to go" he pushed past me and stomped down the hall, obviously in a hurry to get away from me. "You'll never be my-" was all I caught as he walked by me. My insides twisted in a way that was painful and suddenly I was ten times more queasy. I'd fucked up.

I tried my best to not let it get to me as I left the cookies to sit in front of his door, writing a quick apology note as well before turning and walking off. Suddenly I didn't feel like cleaning. I'm sure I could make up the work tomorrow.

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