13. A Farewell

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October 25th, 1533
Chateau de Fontainebleau, France

The next morning Catherine and Alessandro had gathered in the chambers of their uncle, who had summoned them to him.

"When we shall be away, you shall remain alone among the French." Clement said as his chamberlains donned his robes for him. He stood on the small step in the middle of the room.

"As I said, you will be my eyes and ears in the French court. Anything you catch that you think I should know, you can write to me. Never forget; Festina Lente" Clement whispered, afraid someone outside the room might hear them. The groomsmen were his own men and they swore they wouldn't tell anyone.

"I know, uncle." replied Catherine. She herself was already dressed in her travel clothes: a dark blue dress with a dark blue robe with fur around the hem.

She dreaded doing her duty to her uncle; this was high treason. If the king found out, severe consequences would follow. But she could not refuse her uncle.

"My ambassadors will advise you where necessary. They will forward your private letters to me and vice versa" Clement continued. "And my ambassador will also always be available at court. Giovanni Pitti will visit you as soon as possible when you arrive." added alessandro.

Catherine nodded again, barely following what they were all saying. all she thought about was the fact that this would probably be the last time they would see each other. after all the years they had been together again.

Clement smiled with satisfaction. "Very well then.Then I guess we'll have to say our goodbyes, won't we?"

Catherine nodded again before she knelt on the floor. "please bless me for the last time." she said, kissing the hem of his robe.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she could barely hold back her sobs. Clement also had trouble holding back his tears. He placed his hands on her head and blessed her, then pulled her up and into an embrace.

"hush now, dear catherine. Wipe your tears from your beautiful face." he said with a tender smile.

Now that the time had finally come to say goodbye to Catherine, he began to regret his choice.

He thought back to the day Catherine had finally arrived in Rome after years of being locked up in monasteries. He had been waiting for Catherine with open arms and tears in his eyes and today he said goodbye to her, again with tears in his eyes.

"Go and say goodbye to your brother." He said, breaking the embrace and wiping the tear from her cheek as he gave her a gentle nudge toward Alessandro. He himself turned away from them to continue dressing.

Alessandro tried to stay strong for his sister, but as soon as he saw her tearful face he couldn't help but shed tears. "My little Nanita, my heart and soul, I will miss you so much." he said as Catherine lay in his arms. "I'm going to miss you too, my dear brother." she sobbed. She pressed her face against Alessandro's chest.

Alessandro stroked her blonde hair. "Wipe your tears, dear. Don't show the French that you can show weakness, they will take advantage of it.

Catherine broke free from the embraces and wiped away her tears. She forced a smile.

"Better this way?" she asked. Alessandro nodded.

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