Chapter 4: Ultros

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As the team walked through the dark tunnel, they saw traces of footprints going back and forth from the entrance to the exit. They assume that it's the adventurers that were making the footprints, then they spotted prokaryotes (enemies from final fantasy 4) coming from the darkness to attack them. Laura casts fira to burn them, only one remained. Siegfried stomped one so hard that it dissipates into a cloud, in which it left behind a bottle of potion. Defeating the prokaryotes gives some exp, but not enough for the team to level up (Laura and Sonya has job classes leveled up).

"Feh! That was an easy kill" remarked Siegfried.

"Well... this tunnel is home to weak monsters, in which they are supposed to be defeated" explained Laura.

The team continued through the tunnel, facing off other random encounters that don't give much exp, until they arrived at the exit of the tunnel. They see the outside, but before they leave the tunnel, they heard giggling.

"So you're going out of the tunnel, are you? I was hoping I could play with you guys!" Said the disembodied voice that echoed through the tunnel.

"Who are you!? Show yourself!" Demanded Eric.

Out of the darkness stood a peculiar creature, it looks more like a purple colored octopus with yellow eyes that glow, and sharp yellow teeth. It let out a giggle, before bowing.

"The names Ultros, charmed to be sure!" He introduced itself.

The team looked at Ultros in confusion, as if they don't think of it as a threat.

"I don't mind if I can eat you all, for a bunch of motley team" said Ultros

"Hey, you can't eat us! Why don't you scram, you creep!?" Yelled Eric.

Ultros shrugged, before grabbing Siegfrieds towel and took it off.

"Hey! Give that back!" Yelled Siegfried as he covered his private part with his hand.

"What's with that towel you were wearing?" Asked Ultros.

"It's because I'm a Scrubber, now give me back my towel or I'll kick you in the face!" He growled.

The monstrous octopus let out a laugh, much to the team's annoyance. Then he used it's tentacles to smack Eric across the room, and used the octopus ink to blind Siegfried. Laura felt angry with Ultros and casts fira on the monstrous octopus, and he yelped in pain.

"Yeowch! Octopus soup is not for you! I can't stand fire because it will cook me!" Yelped Ultros.

Siegfried used the soapy water ability onto himself to get rid of the ink on his body, then he rushed over to the monstrous octopus and kicked him in the head. Ultros' tentacles let go of his towel, so he picked it up and immediately wrapped it around his waist.

"I won't go to the Crystal Palace naked, so that serves you right for stealing my towel!" He yelled.

Ultros was dazed at Siegfrieds kick attack, then Siegfried used the hot water ability on him to boil him alive. The team watched him dissipate into a purple cloud, thus earning them a lot of experience points enough to levelled them up to level sixteen. After that, Sonya casts cura on Eric to heal his wounds as the team leaves the tunnel. As soon as they leave the tunnel, they saw a giant cluster of crystals that is mounted on a stone building. It is located in the middle of the valley within the mountain range, in which it is no doubt that it's the Crystal Palace. They walk towards the Crystal palace entrance, in which they were astonished by the sight of it.

"So this is the crystal palace, it's so... gorgeous!" Remarked Sonya.

"You guys go on ahead, I need to clean the moon dust off my feet" said Siegfried.

"It's true that scrubbers don't wear footwear, but it is somewhat a hassle if they try to enter important places with dirty feet" said Eric.

"Not funny!" Snarled Siegfried as he blushed.

The team entered the Palace and waited for him to finish up, then he joined up. They saw that the first floor is carved from solid crystal along with the tiled floor, and there's  an altar with a large glowing hole in the middle of it. They were curious as to who built this place, and what was it used for.

"Welcome to the Crystal palace, a place where it leads to where the Lunarians sleep" greeted the booming disembodied voice.

"The... Lunarians?" Said Siegfried puzzled.

"What are the lunarians?" Asked Laura.

"Are they the ones who brought the Blue moon to our world?" Asked Eric.

The team saw an old man appearing above the altar out from thin air, he has white hair with a bit of cyan, has white skin, bald at the top of his head, and worn a white robe with the symbol of the crescent moon on it. He seemed sagely yet friendly.

"I am Fosuya, the Lunarian sage. It is my job to watch over my people as they sleep" said the old man as he introduced himself.

Authors note: how was the boss fight and the reveal of the first Lunarian? I know it's rushed, and I'm sorry.

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