"Whattaya' insinuatin'' there, fella? You think we can't afford what cha' got or somethin'!?" The male twin exclaims with utter malice in his cold blue eyes.

"No, no, no! That's not what I was getting at all!" The cashier tries to assure.

"Hmph. I reckon this chump didn't wanna' do business with us in the first place. S'fine by me, I'm more than happy to just take whateva' I darn please!" And with that - KRRRSSH - Tuppence punches down and shatters the glass casing with effortless ease, swiping up everything that tickled her fancy. Seeing that, the shop owner reaches under his side of the counter and pushes a button to set off a blaring alarm. The commotion draws attention from shoppers and security outside. Tommy proceeds to lift the owner off his feet and roughly slam him against the wall near the exit with a resounding thump.

"You REALLY shouldn't have done that, bub." While Tommy was busy handling the owner, Tuppence helps herself to a brand plastic bag to store her new collection of jewelry in.

"Ain't so bad, Tommy. We've been fixin' to put this here ole polite lil' town in its place. Show 'em who's top honchos 'round here." The sister reasons with a smirk, now making her way to head out the store and set an example.

"C'mon, and bring that ol' boy with ya." She instructs her brother. And without issue, Tommy obliges and follows his sister out back into the open space of the second floor.  

"Take 'em over by that sit n' area, I'll be right with ya." The young woman adds, who takes a moment to approach the nearest railing. She places a hand upon the cold metal and examines it – trying to determine how to fulfill the order she has in mind. Before long, she walks beside the railing, gliding her palm along its sturdy surface until she finds a straight and lengthy stretch of it. From there, she pulls and yanks with a great deal of might, snapping the railing apart at one end, then uses her opposite hand to pull at the opposite point. Another snap occurs and the young punk has around 4 meters of narrow metal in her strong palms while bystanders look upon her with shock.

"Yeah, this'll do nicely." She murmurs to herself, then heads over to join her brother.

"What cha' got there, Tups?" Tommy asks with a brow raised. Presently holding their unfortunate hostage in place with an inhumanly strong grip on the older man's shoulder.

"Rope, lil' Tommy. Some fine lead rope. Hold him up against that there pillar behind ya." She answers and instructs, which her brother fulfills. In the next moment, Tommy presses their victim against the support beam nearby and Tuppence bends the metal within her hands around him and the entire structure. By then, an assembled unit of mall cops were just arriving at the scene.

"You two, stop what you're doing and step away from him!" At last the gathered security comes to confront the two. However, the twins merely grin at their presence. The first step and first line before escalating the situation and building notable notoriety.

"Sorry boys, but that ain't happenin'. Here, lemme show ya why you ought to get the boys in blue." Tuppence retorts with a threat – a promise she intends to fulfill as she charges at the gray shirts, kicking off the marble floor to lounge at one with a fist prepped and ready to go flying. During, a sudden gust of wind travels throughout the premise, closing in on the unlawful altercation. Then–


Before anyone could realize the after results of the female blonde's attempt at assault, a figure in black and deep, bright red appears on the scene within a blink. His right palm grasping and effortlessly holding back the left straight punch he caught as he stands between Tuppence and the security guard who was almost met with an inhuman blow.

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