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Tzuyus POV


"Your normal order?", Eunbi asked.

"Yes please".

"Baby you find a seat I will order for us".

That voice. I glanced over at the figure and saw Hyunjin. With another woman.

"Okay you know what I like right?", the woman asked.

"Of course. What kind of wife would I be if I didn't".

I clenched my fist. Your bloody asshole. The side wife sat down so I went up to Hyunjin.


She looked at me.

"Oh Hi Tzuyu".

I punched her around the face.

"How could you fucking do this to Mina huh?".

"Oh but out of it. She won't believe you if you even told her".

"You're sick so fucking sick for treating her like this", I said.

"Cant I love two people? Have two wives? Remember Tzuyu to her you are nothing but a celebrity".

I pushed her and punched her again. 

~ A few minutes later ~

"Woah Woah calm down".

I was pulled back from one of the works and so was she.

"Go into the back".

~ Time Skip ~

Minas POV


Hyunjin texted me she'll be busy all day so she won't be home. Just then my phone vibrated. I answered the call.

Momo: Omo I just witness something bad

Me: What?

Momo: It's all over the news you check it out yourself

I ended the call and went onto the news.

K-Znews: Solo artist Tzuyu  and professional basketball player Hyunjin were caught fighting physically in a cafe

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