282 18 1

2 weeks later / Tuesday

Minas POV 


"Mina meet Rose", Sana said.

I looked at the girl.


"Nice to meet you".


Tzuyu? Since when was she back at school?

"Yes Rose, meet Tzuyu. Sure you know who she is right", Sana said.

"No I don't know who she is but nice to meet you", the girl said.

"You too".

Sana pulled Rose off.

"Long time no seen huh Penguin", Tzuyu said.

"Since when were you back?", I asked.

"1 week ago. Guess you didn't notice since your girlfriend is the top priority now".

"You never mention about your world tour I missed it", I said.

"I was going to tell you but you went with your girlfriend. Tired calling you said you were busy so yeah".

"Tzuyu I know she cheated on you. And if that's why your acting cold towards me that is something I can't control".

"I am not hurt she cheated because she did tell the truth and was honest. Whereas if she wasn't then maybe I would be a bit madder. But I'm not. Plus I have a new target in mind. Bye".

She walked off.

"I don't think she's giving you cold treatment because of her ex", Jihyo said.

"Then why is she acting that way?", I asked.

"Think about it. You rejected her because she's a girl. But now you are dating a girl".

"I mean I can see why that is confusing but I wasn't sure then", I said.

~ Huge Time Skip ~

Outside / PLayground

"I think I've just matched a couple".

I looked at Sana.

"Who?", I asked.

"Rose and Tzuyu", she said.

"Eh they literally just met", I said.

"Exactly. And Rose knows nothing about Tzuyu so she will see Tzuyu for who she is and not a celebrity, therefore, falling in love with Tzuyu's crazy cute dorky side before finding out the dangerous side of Tzuyu".

"You're a genius", Momo said and the two high-fived.

"I am indeed. I mean come on don't they look good together?".

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