Camping with your captain

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This is basically a part two to Happy Birthday Y/N but theres also fluff and story. I'll add a smut warning to the smut sections too. 

Whether you liked camping or not Foxy had convened you to go with him. He whistled as you hiked the small trail that wasn't even a quarter of a mile long. He suddenly stops and points. "Look! Its a salamander!" He points and you both share one collective brain cell watching it in awe. "Do you know what kind?" Foxy hums for a moment. "Gotta be a Tiger Salamander. Utah's only native salamander." (Forgot to mention, this takes place in Hurricane, Utah and in this story thats were the Mega Pizzaplex is. Hurricane is a lot more popular and makes more money cause of the Pizzaplex.)

You both carry on and make it to the spot. Your shocked as its a small grassy clearing in front of a quiet waterfall. "Holy shit this place is beautiful." Foxy chuckles. "Its perfect, not many critters, especially bugs, grass doesn't stab yer back while trying to sleep, its beautiful, I could just go on." 

You and Foxy pitch the tent, prepare a campfire for tonight, and do all the other preparations before the fun can start. It only takes about an hour which is good time for stuff like this. You both smile and take off your shirts and jump into the water. It was surprisingly warm and Foxy splashed you. You and Foxy splash each other for a while before suddenly something brushes up against your leg you jump (and want to scream but don't) and look down to see a fish right at your leg. Its just circling there. "What is it puppy?" Foxy swims over and sees the fish and laughs. "Scared of a fish?" He teases. "No! I just didn't know what was against my leg!" Foxy puts his hook under your chin and makes you look at him. "Yer cute when your flustered~" You blush more and cross your arms. "I am not." Foxy pounces on you and knocks you down, acting like a puppy with his tongue sticking out and his tail wagging. "Yer adorableeee!" He licks your face and you get even more red. 

After a while of teasing your stomach growls. "Cmon, lets go change and fish for a bit." You follow him and change your shorts and leave them on a rock in the sun for them to dry. Foxy does the same after drying off to the best of both of your abilities, but theres no getting all that fur dry with a towel. You've never fished before so you only bought one rod, and you lean on Foxy and take a nap while does.

Foxy whispers to you, "Sweet dreams lad."

Smut kinda starts here

When you wake up your drooling on yourself and sigh. Though from the smell outside you understand why. Foxy also must have carried you in the tent while you were asleep. You step out and blush seeing Foxy eating and notice he's not wearing any shorts or underwear. You almost want to go over there and suck on his dick... but part of you wants to go back in the big tent to deal with your own small one that you woke up with, and Foxy's body is not helping that matter.

Foxy notices you staring and smirks. "Eyes up here puppy." God damn it. You blush and his smirk turns to a devious smile. "Whats wrong? I thought a little perv like you might enjoy it~" You look away and walk to the other chair. "Oh Im the perv cause your the one sitting in the forest naked." Foxy grabs the other plate. "Acting like that and yer only gonna be havin desert tonight~" You tilt your head. "Isn't that a good- OH MY GOD FOXY!!!" You hide your face in your hands and he laughs. "Cmon Y/N you gotta admit that was a good one." (For you innocent ones who should not be reading smut because of your said innocence, which I am about to ruin, what he's talking about for 'desert' is his cum. Au Revoir!)

You nod while still blushing. "I do have to give you that, it was a good joke." He smiles. "Who says Im joking~" You blush more. God why are you such a bottom.

He walks over and stands over you. "I'll give you a treat after you finish dinner~" Part of you wants to not eat just to A. Spite him, and B. Top him. The other part of you is suddenly a lot more hungry. Bodies suck sometimes.

You finish and almost forget completely about your deal. Foxy's cooking was so good... "Hey puppy~ Didn't forget about our deal, did you?" You have to think for a moment and he laughs. "Don't worry lad, Im not gonna make you, unless you want to..."

You blush and all the blood rushes to your dick. So much for boner protection... "But given that yer little friend seems to want it, it seems like you want yer captain give you a big treat, don't you puppy~" You don't know how to respond to that and just sit there. Eventually you squeak out a yes and his expression goes from one of worry since your not responding to his usually flirty self.

He takes out his hard dick and puts his legs together (he's sitting on his knees btw) as you lay your head there. You slowly put it in your mouth and look at his body. God this man has absolutely no business being this hot.

You get to the knot at the end and stop. How the fuck are you supposed to manage to fit that in your mouth? Foxy smirks down at you. "Cmon, be a good boy and suck yer captains cock."

(Im to lazy to finish the smut part so I will later)

Smut Ends

You both put your still damp shorts back on and get in the now freezing cold water to wash off. You shiver and get closer to Foxy and he hugs you. "Don't worry puppy, I'll keep you warm through the night." You couldn't really understand how if you had separate sleeping bags. "Don't worry, I bought a blanket for if we want to stop on a hike somewhere and eat and one for if you get cold, so we'll just put one on the ground and use one to cover up and cuddle! Foxy smiles and you smile with him.

After you get out you change into clean clothes after drying off and Foxy pats his lap. You sit down and he kisses you. "So, wanna make smores and tell scary stories?" You nod excitedly. He grabs a blanket and covers you both up with it. He makes smores the way you both love them and starts telling a story.

"I'll go then you go etcetera etcetera." He began before his eyes went completely black and his entire body went limp. "Foxy!?" His voice box spoke in a professional sounding voice. "Evacuation numbers have been assigned. If you did not receive yours please discard this message." You freeze not sure if he's joking or not before growling comes from the forest. "The testing facility is now being opened. Do not resist." You jump up and are about to nope the hell outa there before claws grab you and the same growling appears closer. You look back and Foxy's body goes back to its lively natural self, absolutely laughing his ass off. "Hahahaha! You scared lad?" You blush and sit back down. "That wasn't fair." He kisses your forehead. "Alright alright, to make it fairer lets keep it to one or two sentences."

Your turn. "My best friend was reported as missing. Which is odd... I see him everyday." You both go back and forth for a while and eventually you yawn. Foxy picks you up and grabs the other blanket and goes in the tent before setting it down. He lays down beside you. "Come here my little prince." You burn up but still scoot closer to him. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes. 

"Y/N... I need to tell you something." You look up at him. "I-I had a lot of fun tonight." Its so obvious he wanted to say something more... but its like he couldn't. You stare at him and he stares back at you with his golden eyes shimmering in the moon. You kiss and end the night cuddled up against each other under a blanket.

~Glamrock Boys x Male Y/N~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें