Freddy fluff chapter

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Im gonna make a 1 on 1 fluff chapter between everyone and Y/N starting with Freddy so yeah.

You anxiously watch the clock waiting for Freddy to come back. The time basically gets longer and longer as you think about him, until eventually his door opens and his ears perk up immediately when he sees you. You run up and hug him and he lifts you up and kisses your cheek. You blush and Freddy giggles. "Your so cute superstar." He sets you down and takes off his makeup quickly. He lays down on the bed at the pile of pillows in the corner. He grabs his velvet red blanket and opens the blanket up for you. You crawl in and snuggle up close to him. He always says he's hot which might be true because of the fur, but its obvious the real reason he keeps his room cold is so you two can cuddle without getting too hot. Its just warm enough to be comfortable without sweating or anything like that. He turns the lights off with a voice command and you two cuddle for a bit.

His paw rubbed your belly and eventually it rumbled. He giggled a bit. "You hungry baby bear?" You blush and nod. "Oh! I can make a pizza for you, and then we can eat it together!" "Freddy its fine we can-" Before you could even finish protesting you're lifted off the bed and ground and he's carrying you to the kitchen. 

He makes a pizza with your favorite toppings, red/white sauce, stuffed/normal/thin crust and other things. Even if its weird or something he doesn't judge you. You two eat and when your done Freddy licks a bit of sauce off your cheek. He smiles seeing you blush. How does he know exactly what to do to make you flustered without saying a word?

He carries you back to his room and while he's washing his hands you have an idea.

"Freddy! Freddy!" He looks at you and walks back in the room. "What is it superstar?" 

"Come here and open your stomach hatch." "I.. I don't think your going to fit in there." "That wasn't my idea in the first place but I do need to later so.." You try crawling in his stomach hatch and after a bit of struggling you manage to. It was actually a lot more spacious than you had expected. Perfect. You crawled back out and grabbed two pillows. You put them inside the hatch. "Wait superstar, thats were I-" "Bonnie has a cake thingy too right? Plus you could just carry it instead of putting it in your stomach." Freddy sighs and lets you continue making your Freddy fort. After putting all your favorite snacks, two blankets, a book or a game, a flashlight, and some pillows you were done. 

"Freddy Im done!" He blushes a bit. "Its cute superstar!" He closes the hatch and lifts you in the air and kisses your cheek. "What do you want to do now?" You think for bit before eventually he answers his own question. "Well... I was thinking maybe we could go Ice Skating at the place in the city.. if your ok with that." "That sounds really fun Teddy Bear!" Freddy blushes and his ears wiggle.

After your there cause Im lazy. And imagine its just you guys somehow.

"Have you ever been Ice Skating Superstar?" You shake your head and he holds your hand. "Just follow my lead." He gets on the Ice and makes it look easy as he turns around gracefully and waits for you eagerly. Meanwhile after some self pep-talk you fall the second you get on the ice. "Are you ok Baby Bear?" He says while trying to stifle a giggle and he helps you up. He holds your hand while you learn the ropes and eventually he lets go. "Your doing so well!" You blush and eventually you two are racing against the outskirts of the rink and while passing Freddy a thick piece of ice trips you and you crash into the wall head first.

It might have been comedic if your head didn't start bleeding. Now you were freaking out and it hurt like hell. You tried your best not to but a tear slipped out. "Hey hey shhhh... its ok superstar. Im here. Lets get you to the first aid kit." He picks you up and quickly took the skates off and walked to the aid kit." By now you had calmed down and he did whatever tf you do to a bleeding head. "Good news is nothing is broken, theres no internal bleeding, and you don't have a concussion." He picks you up and you two leave. 

"Aw Im sorry this turned out so bad Superstar..." You look up at him and hold one cheek in your hand. "Hey its not your fault. Its that stupid piece of ice's fault." You both laugh and he cheers up a little.

In Freddys room

He gently puts you down and shakes out any ice that might have stuck to his fur. He gets behind you and wraps his strong arms tightly around you and covers you both with a blanket. He purrs and you laugh. "Bears can purr?" He blushes and nods a little.

(Fun Fact : They can)

Some ideas for other characters

Monty : Swimming, him giving you a massage, teaching Y/N how to golf

Bonnie : Bowling, Baking together, Read a book together (More him read it to you cause thats fuckin adorable)

Foxy : Swimming, Dance together, Camping together


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