Captain Foxy Part 1

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Its been a couple days, maybe a week since the last chapter.

F/F = Favorite Flavor

F/D =Favorite Drink

Your walking around the pizza plex like usual on days when everyones working. Not to long ago Fazbear Entertainment gave Foxy his own area like everyone else. It was basically just a PizzaPlex themed indoor waterpark. There were slides, pools, kiddie pools, one of this things where it simulates surfing. Part of the reason for this is so people would stop swimming in Monty Golfs pools. 

Either way you decided to go and just relax. It was hot today and you got a F/F Ice Cream/Popsicle. There were a lot less people than usual, though you'd only seen the place on weekends when you could barely walk through the place. It was a Tuesday and only highschoolers skipping school and families on vacation plus the odd family or friend group here and there. You were going to take a drink of F/D as you were going to the changing room. 


There was no one really nearby but suddenly you felt something touch your ass. You thought it might be Monty or even Foxy but when you turned around it was a person you didn't recognize. "Hey cutie~" He was obviously high despite cigarettes and vapes not being allowed in the Pizza Plex. You just kept walking faster but he followed. "Lets go  to my place and have some fun." "No" You walk around him but he grabs you by your wrist and kisses you. You struggle to get away and hit him with the bottle of your F/D (its plastic) and he lets go and looks at where it came from in a moment of surprise, and you take that opportunity to try and run but he runs after you and grabs you again. "LET GO!" "NO, I SAID YOUR COMING WITH ME!" You punch him but he just punches you back and pins you to the ground. You start crying. Your scared. Where is everyone? But suddenly something whacks the dude in his face and his nose starts bleeding as he crawls back. It was Foxy. He picks the guy up by the neck of his shirt. "You best leave if you know whats good for you." He growls, eyes filled with hate. "And if you so much as look in Y/Ns general direction I'll rip your intestines out and strangle you with them, got that?" You were stunned at that. That was aggressive, even if it was Monty that said it you'd still be surprised. The man nodded quickly and says things along the lines of "Yes sir" but his words are slurred. Probably a combination of drugs and fear, Foxy whacks him again and drops him as he calls security.


After security picks him up Foxy gets the first aid kit. You didn't even realize your nose was bleeding. Foxy starts patching it up, mumbling "God I hate people like that."After he says that though he turns his focus to you. "You okay? No more injuries?" You nod. Foxy sits next to you. "Im sorry that happened to you." You brush it off, "Im fine now knowing Im okay. The scary part was during it, not knowing what he would do to me. Though I do have a question." Foxy nods. "Shoot." You scratch your neck. "Im not saying you wouldn't help if someone else was being harassed like that but- that whole threat and hitting him and that look in your eyes.. I don't think you would do that for someone else."

Foxy blushes but starts getting teary eyed. "Ugh.. it all just so much and I don't want you bothered by it." You shake your head. "Tell me either way." He takes a deep breath. "Your right, I would do that for anyone but.. maybe not all the threats and hitting him and stuff.." He paused and you saw more tears fill his eyes. "Its the fact that it was you he was touching. I don't want anyone touching you because..." He couldn't hold it in anymore. "Because I like you but I already missed my chance, your happy with Freddy and Monty and it hurts a little! It wasn't just anger it was jealousy too!" He takes another deep breath, burying his face in his hand. "Its not I don't want you to be happy.. I just want to be with you.. and I also don't want Freddy and Monty worrying about you." He looks at you, his shimmering gold eyes now wet with tears, water circling his eyes. "So many emotions just took over at once.. Anger, Jealousy, Fear for your safety.." He paused again. "I just wanted that to be me.. you know just with your consent and stuff." You stared at him. "Im sorry Y/N." He gets up but you hug him. 

"Im so sorry..." Its all you could say. "I wish I noticed sooner." Foxy looked back at you. "No no no don't feel bad.." He wiped away your tears and his own. You stared at each other, the sunset from the glass roof shimmering in his eyes. You took that moment to kiss him. He was startled but accepted. You two kissed for a bit, when you were done a thick strand of saliva between your lips. "Who says we can't date." Foxy's already red face and fur got even more red. "But-" You just shut him up with another kiss. "Lets ask Freddy and Monty if they're ok with it." Foxy wipes away his tears. "Even if there not though.." He growls lustfully. "We are still gonna have fun."

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