Sleepover with Freddy

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Freddy came back soon holding drinks, blankets, pillows, snacks, and a bunch of other things. "You sure we're gonna need all that?" Freddy sets all the stuff down and replies. "I rather get everything now than get up later and ruin the mood- I mean comfort!" Freddy blushes and sets a pillow behind you. "I also got more bandages to replace those, since those are all greasy and stuff. Does your hand still hurt?" Freddy took off the old bandages and replaced them with new ones. "Only when something brushes up against it." Freddy quickly finishes and sits across from you, but still using the same blanket to cover you both. "I bought some games too." He gets out a Nintendo Switch and asks you "Wanna play Mario Kart?" You nod and Freddy hands you a controller.

Freddy chooses 150cc and picks Yoshi to play as, as you pick the character you usually play as and he starts a grand prix. "So... uh about how we'll be sleeping tonight.. I usually hold something while I sleep.. so.. can I hold you..?" The more Freddy talked the quieter he got. Your face burns at that question. Your childhood crush is literally asking you if he can cuddle you. No, no, he just needs something to hold to sleep well. Thoughts race through your head. "Superstar?" You notice he paused the game and is staring at you. "Ah.. sorry that was really inappropri-" You cut him off. "Yeah sure.." His face turns even more red. So does yours. 

You play for a while and it was close, but in the end Freddy lets you win. "Why did you let me win Freddy?" "I don't know what your talking about" He plays ignorant but you know he's just acting. And he's not good at it. Still cute though. "Wanna play something else or try 200cc?" "I've never played 200cc" "Neither have I" "Wanna suck together?" "Sure" Freddy goes back and chooses 200cc. "We should probably do the Mushroom cup so we can get used to it." "Good idea Fred" Freddy blushes. "F-Fred?" You blush a little too. "Well you gave me a nickname.." Freddy smiles "Its cute" You smile and think about going over to him and laying on his chest. No that would be weird.

Eventually you start getting tired. You haven't gotten a good nights rest in who knows how long. "You tired superstar?" "A little.." The lights dim. "Wanna cuddle- sleep now?" Your face burns. He did want to cuddle. "Mhm.." You yawn and go over to him and lay your head on his chest as he lays down, putting his feet where you were. He wraps his arms around you and both of your legs wrap around the others. The lights dim more. The only light in the room was the TV light. 

His fur is so soft... It smells good too, you could stay like this forever. With these thoughts fresh in your mind you dose off and had the best sleep you've had in ages- no, ever, the best sleep you've ever had.

~Glamrock Boys x Male Y/N~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu