new place

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Taufan was flying in the sky. Thorn was walking on the ground with blaze. "Its been a week! When are we home?! Or even found!" Taufan complained. Thorn just kept queit and so dit blaze wanting to complain how he missed evribody at home.

Its been a all started for 1 mission! Ttm had to fight alone that day they dit amezing in the past but this time...this time it all went wrong. They were fighting but got sucked into a black hole! It was more like a portal tho- they could hear the watches go crazy.

But back to the story. Exploring, it was getting tiring for 1 boy named blaze. He was tired. He wanded his brothers who were new problebly looking for them. There locations dint work. But there powers? They still worked. But it would cost them a lott of energy.

Rn taufan was flying above the trees for any sight of a place to stay at were's food and a cover. But it was already tireing! He had to fly up for an hour!! Yes an hour!so while he was looking arround he saw a big bug! It bumbed into taufan and he fell down!

Flying was already hard so removing that bug made him exausted! The others under him saw him falling. They rushed over to him. "Taufan!!" They both yelled. Toghether they were able to catch him. "You okey?!" Api removed the bugg. Taufans face was full of scars as if the bug wanded to eat him!.

Thorn made some leaves and put them arround the cuts. It wasn't perfect and it also dint really help. Taufan was hurt badly on the face. Skin was removed and some deep cuts by the cheecks. It wasn't a fun sight to see. Taufan discriped the pain as "it feels like i got eaten"

Doesn't sound nice right? Well- it wasn't the bugg dit really try eating taufan.. these bigs attack anithing that flies no matter wat size or wat creature they eat! Taufan was just unlucky. Next up during midday thorn climed up some vines to look for good paths but the vines here dint like to lissen. They attacked thorn!

Strangled him in vines and try removing all the air in his lungs! Blaze was quick to save him bifore it all went wrong! He burned the vines but the vlames spreaded! It happend fast! In a little time evrithing was in flames the intire forrest was full of flames!...


that spread fast..

oh no..


Chapter 1 is done UvU

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